Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Retro Files - 2008

I know its late but the clock hasn't struck twelve yet - Just taking a chance and running as always to make it at the nick of time:)

The 'new kid on the block' - Fears and apprehensions!

January 15, 2008 was a new beginning for me - TONGUE TICKLERS...... came into being.
When I started this blog the only thing I thought of was sharing my recipes, and my kitchen with other people! I was a little wary even to comment in other blogs because everyone seemed to know the writer except me! I used to wonder at the friendly tones in other blog comments and was at times envious because I never seemed to get any visitors at all! In fact I even thought of giving up after a month but P ( he always miraculously seems to read my mind and clear my doubts without my voicing it!!) saw my enthusiasm and my disappointment and suggested that I should read the early posts of my favourite bloggers because he was sure they too had started like me - the new girl in school, before they made many friends! It was the best suggestion as it cleared up many illusions and made me realize that I just have to go on sharing without expecting! I read all of Tartlette's posts right from the first one to the last one - yes! I have read all her posts and she is one of my cooking idols!! I also went through most of Jugalbandi's early posts and realized that the best of the blogs have started off like mine (OK Jai and Bee had great photographs right from day one while I am still groping:)) going without comments for quite sometime before they became popular.

I must also thank Asha, Srivalli, Sailaja and Jayasree for their suggestions and helping me out as I stumbled in the dark (linking, RSS, photographing and Taste of India Aggregator).

I did not know when - but somewhere along the way the blog became a discovery into various cuisines, a laboratory to display my experiments, a place that allowed me to conquer my fears of 'yeast' and now it is my playground! A place where I play with many of you through words of affections, dabble in light jokes - thanks to all my visitors for making me one amongst you!! It has been a great year for me, and I am all excited to see what 2009 has in store - do join me in my culinary expeditions - I hope to meet more of you 'in reality', just like I met Alka and Simran!!

Here is 'MY' best of Tongue Ticklers in 2008! I limited to ten but there are many others dying to squeeze in!

My Favourite Starters:

My Favourite 'everyday' Side Dish:

My Favourite Rice apart from 'plain steamed rice':

My Favourite Roti:

My Favourite Drink apart from water:

My Favourite Dessert:

My Favourite Sweet:

My Favourite Health Fix:

These are off to Srivalli for her event "THE BEST OF 2008" ________________________________________________________________________

My Delicious Discoveries from other blogs:


My blog discoveries - Indian and Others!

My Favourite clicks - The Tandoori Gobi, the tomato pulav, the mango shortcake and the poruvilangai urundai!

My Failures - The macaroons, and the first scones which came out great next time!

My Successes - My friends, and family and times when they don't say but just dig into what I cook, the times you smiled when you read my posts! Food is secondary to a smile which means 'friends':)


  1. Harini, I was actually very inspired reading your psot, and was thinking 4 months back when i started... & when I came by different blogs & leave a comment went away just reading 'em and not leaving my mark scared. Its just amazing how we get absorbed into it slowly... I already know so many beautiful people like u. Still remember the first mail to u where i asked what FIC was:-)

    Keep it up ! Hoping to see many more yummies this year!

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with you.I too used to stare at the visitors in some other blog and even without commenting.To be honest I still have not digested the fact that I have started making friends in the blogosphere.
    To be honest,I came here when you started FIC:Red and the current recipe at that time was Grilled Potatoes sent to MM:Grill It.I was not sure whether I should send my red entry to FIC,thinking that my God,she is making such delish dishes,my dish is nothing in comparison.I loved the grilled aloo ,but did not comment.It took a lot of time for me to start commenting here or elsewhere.but once I open my mouth its hard to stop,you know that very well ;)
    I still feel stuck sometimes when I see beautiful posts and think what they will think if I comment,what they will think of my comment if I do so.

  3. Soma, Sweatha!! You too? I am so relieved that we were all like that:) Now the apprehensions seem so funny, isn't it? LOLZZ:)

  4. That was a lovely post, as always. I think almost every blogger must have has those apprehensions, you mentioned, as a novice blogger. Looking forward to many more experiment results here..

  5. hey u just ended describing each of blogger's story,same fumbling start and then gradually being absorbed in this family...uknow wht i had exactly planned a write on these lines since my blog is also about to celebrate its first b' just dont accuse me of copying when after few weeks u read something like this on my blog too...lolz
    And hey how was the day at job??Hope ur work placeis alteast Happy to c u back if not viceversa ;-)

  6. Happy new year dear.I agree with what you too had a big starting trouble when I started my blog..but bloggers rock..everyone made me comfortable and included me in the big circle of food bloggers and here I am feeling all happy and content..;-)

  7. Hi
    I agree with you all but I don't know y still I am in that condition only. any way you have a great great collection dear Icame to your blog just one month back only and I make a visit almost every day keep it up waiting for many more like this wish all your dreams come true

  8. Happy New Year Harini! And you have just echoed what I went through when I started blogging. Even today I get very few comments ... but I know they are honest and from warm people like you. :-)
    And your compilation looks great! :-)

  9. Nice recap...

    Happy New Year!!!!.....

  10. Nice post, Harini: glad you hung in there and you're right- each of us bloggers have been there at the beginning. That's quite a lovely spread you have there.

  11. I think everyone went through this situation when we first started our blog. But When I hit the first publish button after few hours someone (non-blogger) left a comment. I was really out of the world! But slowly crawled to reach this position, The Sucess is Regular blogging and encouragement to others....
    I always loved all ur simple homely food.... U re vegan recipes are always amazed me (being in India i always wonder if vegan butter,milk are expensive or even doubt the avaibility).
    Keep up ur work and Wish you the Best for this Year!

  12. Even i agree, as i had the same problem, We need to post without any expectation :) !! Looking forward for new recipe in this new year !! Nice collection of recipes !!

  13. LOL, yeah reading this reminded me of how I started too... it takes a while to get "discovered" I guess ;)
    Congratulations on a successful first year and wish you all the joy and success in 2009!

  14. Nice post. Lovely collection of recipes. Want to dig in :)

  15. That was very nice write up. I started almost 18 months ago and pretty much felt the same. I guess it takes time to get acknowledged.

    But I do have to mention that I am glad to have found your blog. I enjoy reading your posts and I am inspired by your writing; there is this sense of warmth that flows naturally and you come across as a genuine person, with no airs or attitude.

    Hope to see lots more of your posts, goodies and beautiful photogrpahy this year as well.

  16. Happy New Year Harini! Lovely collection from the past year.

  17. Wish you a very Happy New Year! You are so right! I started blogging one day 'just like that' to document mom's recipes, and made some sporadic posts for nearly six months. We were oblivious to the world of food bloggers all around! It was almost six months later, when I got serious..that we discovered foodie blogroll, foodbuzz, toi, red chillies and son on, and made many friends too! I long to start my bengali kitchen blog with mom-in-laws recipes, and post more in my non traditional kitchen and have my hubby (an excellent cook) do food videos too ....but I guess all that will have to wait until I retire from work!!

  18. That sure is a great post Harini..thanks for sharing!

  19. May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life's passing seasons bring
    the best to you and yours!

  20. hehehe I am still in the same position! kaafi lamba safar tayy kiya hai aapne... great roundup of your posts. :)

  21. I started my blog on March 15th 2008 and was going through the same thing exactly. There used to be a time initially when I was wishing that I get more comments, but not now SM. As Sharmila has mentioned it's not in the quantity but quality. I truly believe in that whether it comes to the post itself or the comments. Just like RC has mentioned I've always admired your style of writing and vocabulary, SM. I love the chocolate crinkle cookies the most and I'm going to check the coconut cake immediately. Have a wonderful year and advanced congratulation for your 1st blogiversary.

  22. Hi Dear, its the same for all the bloggers. U have written the story of all of us, Even when i came from a blog break, again i felt the same thing, things had changed in those 4 months(TOI, n a lot new bloggers).
    I still sometimes feel the same, but some frds like u make me feel motivated again, thanks dear n wish u a happy new year.

  23. Thanks everyone for your inputs, and New Year Wishes!

    Like Madhuram has so aptly put, I too am more concerned about the quality of my recipes, and the content of my post, and indeed it is the best way to blog. The comments happen sooner or later, but knowing that they matter so much to a new blogger I try to browse and appreciate new blogs as much as I keep in touch with my other blogger friends!

    Alka, I wouldn't think of it as copying!! I haven't checked but these words might have appeared in many blog anniversaries!! As for work yes - they were happier to see me than I was to join:)

    Dibs, looking forward to your Bengali blog before you retire;)

    BTW, I hope everyone knows about RC's aggregator. There is a link on my sidebar - just in case!!

    Thanks all for your appreciation and friendship - I cherish them a lot. So sorry, but I am a senti senti person:)

  24. great wrap up and shots. best wishes for the new year.

  25. Thats a Nice Roundup indeed..Even when i started, i visited some of the popular blogger's first month recipe's. Iam sure you have improved a lot..Your photo angle is unique and keep it up!

  26. Read ur post and couldn't stop myself from writing this:)I very much felt the same way, as I started blogging 2 months back and still feel it sometimes:)
    I have always been an introvert, many a times I end up visiting blogs and come back without leaving a comment, coz i dont feel so confident:) feeling funny saying this:)
    But i know things will change, and it has already, from the first day i started!i got to know so many wonderful people, like u who visited and encouraged me to go on with what i started. Thank u!

  27. Harini, so nice to read your post. First and foremost, I must congratulate you for 15th Jan 2009, for completing 1 year. As you know, I am a relatively new blogger. But I appreciate all your comments and help and assistance (just like an elder sister). I am a like minded person and try to help as much as I can. I too experienced my very first comment, very first reply to a hesitant email sent across and the results were wonderful, because I have so many new friends now, all over the world, through my blog.
    All the very best. I await something special for the anniversary post.
    :) :)

  28. Harini,while reading ur blog i realized that i am in he same state now,wondering when people will start looking at my blog too....this is so very like my thoughts too.I love ur blog and must admit that urs is one of my fav ones! Thanks for all the lovely recipes!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!