Friday, June 26, 2009

Oats Upma/Savoury Oats South Indian Style

Oats upma

It is pouring and the trees are looking all washed up and decked up in their beautiful green gowns! I wish I could show you the scene outside my living room window right now. The only dampening feature is the damp lonely crow sitting on one of the branches that runs parallel to my window. The nandiarvattai tree is in full bloom and when I look out every morning I feel that a string of pearls has broken down and scattered, suspended mid-air, dancing with the wind and the rain! It is truly a heavenly sight:). It is still not the kind of rainy season that makes you want to eat hot hot samosas or pakodas; it is the kind that makes you want to do what I am doing right now - playing my favourite romantic and nostalgic numbers, brewing a cup of tea ready to go with the light and healthy oats upma you will be seeing and I will be devouring:). Now with all the above in hand what does one do?? Take a day off from work and admire nature, of course!!

Why not bring nature in? See....

Oats upma arrangement

Did you get that slice of nature?

Oats upma

Today's breakfast bowl is low-calorie, nutritious, tasty and perfect for a quick fix. The best thing is you can add vegetables and make it exotic and filling, eliminate the veggies and it is still one of the easiest and tastiest breakfasts ever! The measurements are approximate as all you do is just chop things you like and throw in a little bit of this and that to suit your palette. This is what went into the Junior's (P&H) short break lunch box for today.

Recipe for Oats Upma
(Adapted from the suggestion on the cover of the rolled oats brand I usually purchase)

Rolled oats - 1 cup, roasted without oil till stiff (about 4-5minutes) on medium flame
Water - 2 cups
Onion - 1/4 cup chopped fine
Green chilli - 1 small (this one is real hot!), chopped fine
Curry leaves - few, chopped fine
Ginger - 1", chopped fine

Sesame oil (preferably) - 1 tbsp.
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp.
Bengalgram/Chana dal - 1/2 tsp.
Black gram/ Urad dal - 1/2 tsp.
Groundnuts/ Moongphali - 1 tbsp.

Heat oil. Splutter the seasonings one by one and wait for the peanuts to turn pink and crisp.

Add the curry leaves, ginger, green chillies and onion. Saute till the onions turn transluscent. Now add the water and salt and bring to a boil.

Add the roasted oats. Stir till the water is absorbed and the mixture comes together.

Serve with or without chutney and pickle. I prefer it as it is without any accompaniment.

:-) Have a perfect day!!

Oats upma


  1. Healthy one....Even I do this at home..Nice way to include oats in our diet..

  2. Ok .. so that's where all the rain is .. sending only dark clouds and chilly winds to thumb their nose at us. ;-)
    Wait .. I just saw two small drops on my pane. Lovely looking upma Harini .. but I'll take that hot cuppa you are brewing. :-)

  3. hmmnn.I've never had oats like this before..

  4. where did yu manage to find so much greenery in Mumbai ?? Never made oats upma, must be yumm & healthy

  5. i love oats upma too...easy and healthy.

  6. Nice photos...I too love having a cup of tea in my patio in a weather like that :)

  7. Looks delicious! And healthy food!

  8. yes,I surely had a slice of nature with that..Great picture takes it more beyond food..
    lovely lovely
    havent tried oats like this yet.

  9. Thats 2nd pic is too too good Harini..makes me all nostalgic..:(..lovely Upma there..:)

  10. Such a healthy dish, looks great!

  11. Have never tried making oats upma before. Looks like a great healthy choice! :)

  12. Thanks for the visit:)

    Sharmila, I expected the showers to first come to Pune! This time it is the other way round - Mangalore is still getting more rain than us! So did the scent of the earth reach you?

    Peachkins, do try it. I am sure you will love the Indian flavours.

    Deesha, blessed - am I not? I find this daily just outside my window:)

    Gita, how I wish I had a patio to do that!

    Kalai, the first time I tried it I was a little doubtful but it actually turns out good!

  13. Must be a big relief after all the heat and humidity.Gotta try oats south Indian style someday,looks yummy:D

  14. wow harini...those are some lovely pictures..wish I had such a window next to mine too..:))

  15. Yasmeen, yes it is a huge huge relief!

    Meeso, thanks. It is always a booster for me when you say that:).

    Valli, only the window?!! I wish I had your house next to mine so I could sample all those things you are making for your book:)

  16. a very healthy breakfast recipe! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  17. Incredibly delicious and healthy!

  18. Wow,Love the healthy upma.I am very much surprised at the greenery I am seeing?Is it Mumbai itself.Lucky you to see this everyday.
    The hot upma will be very filling on rainy days.Perfect bfast as well as evening snack

  19. Hey! I was just surfing the sites with no idea on what to eat for dinner and this popped up. Off to kitchen to make it right now.

  20. Mm yum yum upma and excellent click too.. check my blog for fil-3 event..!

  21. Rim Jimh.....barse make refresh......oats upma looks delectable....

  22. yummy ,..;-)lovely clicks,..u r so lucky to hve rain,..its burnin here,,,;-(

  23. I have oatmeal almost every monring and this sounds like a lovely way to make it savory istead of sweet. you have a great blog, too!

  24. A perfect healthy choice....nice click as usual:)

  25. A perfect healthy choice....nice click as usual:)

  26. hi Harini, Great pics with all the greenery! this oats upma is something i've been planning for a long time now..maybe this weekend:)

  27. This is a perfect weekend breakfast with cup to tea.

  28. Try venpongal with oats and I'm sure you would love it. It's so comforting, satisfying and doesn't make you feel sleepy.

  29. i bake with oats a lot, will try to make in this form next time

  30. This is a healthy one. Sure I am gonna try this soon.

    I should say you have a very keen talent in photography. you are gonna go places in it. Keep it going.

    First time to your blog and sure will be here often for the pics first and then the dishes. ;)

    Do take a look at my blog when you find time.

  31. I really enjoy oats and this is something I make too. Got the recipe off the box. :)
    Unfortunately my husband and daughter don't like oats unless its in cookies or bread!
    Can see the at you're really enjoying photography (its in your pictures).


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!