Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bisibelebath OR Rice, lentils and vegetables in one dish

Bisi belebath
Bisibelebhat - A delicacy from Karnataka, India

The school has reopened and it is just begun to set in that one more academic year has passed by. It all seems to be getting over too fast. Sometimes I find it difficult to believe that Jr.H who used to prance about in little cute Cinderella shoes and frocks is already blooming into a young lady. She does keep me grounded (literally!) most of the time - just yesterday I noticed that my favourite floaters were not to be found in the shoe rack and lost my temper when I came to know that Jr.H had used them because she could not find her's. Thankfully she cannot do the same with my clothes as I am quite a few sizes bigger than her:)!

The usual changes have taken place in our holiday routine. The kids wake up early (after a lot of trumpeting noises I make) and rush through the morning activities. The father will not wake up till he gets the bed tea - no change there! I am busy in the kitchen with the short break, breakfast, lunch and evening snack - all to be finished before 7:30a.m. This is when I really feel like Superwoman - keeping my patience when time is running out and when I am at wit's end as to how to get the work over with! Yet nothing can make me miss any of these activities! I manage to run to the window, watch Jr.P rushing out and I scream, "BYE!" and send a kiss to the two. Usually the return kiss from both of them is sent to the gate or in the air, the direction they face but I catch a whiff:). Then it is time for a much needed cup of tea before starting the second mad mayhem - me rushing to work!

Weekend bliss: Saturdays are my laziest days. I keep lolling on the bed till 8, have late tea, make the easiest possible breakfast and listen to the songs Jr.P lines up the comp (He is a clever gent who lines two of Mum's favourites after every fourth song which are his own faves). It is late afternoon by the time I get down to cooking lunch and the best lunches for Saturdays are always one pot dishes or stews. All of us like it and I don't need to bother much with a side dish - such a boon!

is easy, tasty, wholesome and even Jr.P loves it with a whole bowl of just set, thick, creamy yogurt/curd. We like it with a sprinkling of spicy boondi or some potato chips.

I generally prepare twice the required amount of masala so that I am leftover with enough for a second round. Bisibelebath podi/powder is full of flavour and can be used to spice up dal makhani (here and here) or tandoori aloo too.

The dish belongs to Karnataka, more specifically to Bangalore or Mysore. I find that most of my friends from other parts of Karnataka are not aware of the dish. My mother-in-law was unaware too though she is from Mangalore and I was thrilled when my second brother-in-law, B (not the one who refuels his soul twice a year), decided it was the best 'khichdi' he had ever tasted - I served it as part of the main course during one of our get-togethers. Another version that I tried and found very tasty is on Deesha's blog - Vegetable Platter. Her masala mix turns out exactly like the one I get from Subbamma Store at Bangalore and it is superyummy - Try it!

Mine is a lot less spicier than hers but it is a very tasty variation that has been handed over to me by my Mother. One thing that I strongly recommend an Indian kitchen to have is a spice grinder. The one I purchased from Optima is excellent and I am able to grind even small quantities of spices into fine powders.

Apology: I am aware that my feed is getting updated with all the flickr photos I am uploading. This is happening ever since I made the mistake of making flickr photos accessible to blogger. It is continuing despite the fact that I have now revoked access many times. Am at loss as to what I should do and I know it must be very irritating to my readers too. Please suggest a solution!! Meanwhile, I will be using another flickr account for the blog posts.

Dish: Bisibelebath
(Rice, lentils and vegetables brought together with a divine masala)
Type: Vegan
Yield: 4 good eaters
Recipe source: My mother.

Rice -1 cup
Pigeon peas / tuvar dal - 1/2 cup
Onions - 2 medium - sliced thick
Carrot - 1 small (Small chunks)
Potato - 2 medium sized (Chopped into large chunks)
Peas - 2tbsp. shelled
String beans - 3-4 cut into inch long pieces
Capsicum - 1 (Optional)
Raw shelled peanuts - 2 tbsp.
Cashew (chopped into bits and roasted brown) - 2 tbsp.
Tamarind - Table tennis sized ball soaked in 1/2 cup water for at least 15 minutes.
Salt to taste
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp.

Ground bisibelebath podi/powder(You will require only about half of this quantity):
Coriander seeds - 2 tbsp.
Chana dal / bengal gram and Urad dal/Blackgram - 1tbsp. each
Red chillies (preferably byadagi variety) - 2 (more if you like it spicy)
Cinnamon - 1" long stick (not more than 1/2 cm wide)
Green cardamom - 3
Cloves - 2
Asafoetida /Hing - 1/8tsp.
Dry copra(coconut) - grated - 4 tbsp.
(Roast each of the above separately till aroma exudes and they turn pink. Cool and powder in a spice grinder)

Sesame/Gingelly/Til oil - 2-3tbsp.
Vegan butter - 1tsp.
Curry leaves (optional)

Soak tamarind in water and extract thick pulp.

Heat 2 tbsp. of oil/butter/ghee. Saute the onion slices till transparent. Add the vegetables and saute for a minute. Now add the tamarind pulp and more water enough to cover the vegetables. Boil the vegetables in the pulp alongwith salt and turmeric powder till cooked through but still in shape - not mushy.

Meanwhile clean the rice and lentils and cook in a pressure cooker together or separately.


Mix the cooked rice and dal with the cooked vegetables. Add water if thick. You might require about 2 glasses of water to bring it to a stew like consistency. Add half the ground powder and mix well. Stir well to blend flavours. Add vegan butter or ghee towards the end, garnish with cashews and curry leaves, and serve hot with spicy boondi, raita or potato chips.

Next time why not think of this for a lazy, healthy and easy Sunday?

A few other lazy Sunday suggestions:
Bengali Khichuri
Dal Khichdi
Kidney Bean and Brown Rice Risotto
Mint Rice - I (Vegan Rice flavoured with Mint and Coconut)


  1. You just wait till she get a bit more older, lots of things will start disapearing, like your lipstick, eyshadow, eyliner , mascara, should i go on........... that is what happening to me these days.
    Ofcurse i have fun too, I steel my daughters makeup things too.
    Well dress is something else, my size is bigger :-)
    Loce the rice and lentil dish.

  2. HC, hehe:). I am suddenly looking forward to this after reading that:). I wonder what I will get to use from her collection - may be hair colours!!

  3. Nice post, loved reading!! i remember my baby sis doing the same :) bisi belebath looks wonderful!

  4. I remember doing this....getting onto my mom's shoes:-)Wow what fun.Guess no one can beat Subamma's spices....her sambhar powder/huli podi's are sooooo amazing.Bisibelebath has always been my fav one,perfect for weekend menu.I keep looking out for another variety of dry red chillies here,used in Karnataka its called the "Bedige Menshinakayi"(i hope i remember the name correctly),its used in this dish.I feel like having this right away...great click as usual Harini.Am really hungry now:-)

  5. This dish is full of falvors that I love.I bet this tastes wonderful..

  6. Parita, bachpan ke din!:), BBB tastes even better:)

    Nithya, you too are a Subbamma visitor? I have tried her vangibath podi too and it is lovely! I don't know whether that name is correct but it sounds correct:)

    Peachkins, you will love this! Except for my BIL, S, I do not know anyone who will say no to this dish:)

  7. wow...your weekday morning sound really hectic...but i guess not uncommon for a working mom. I have seen my mom and sis do it...and i seriously have my doubts if i can ever pull stuff like this :). Btw. I love the vessel you have displayed your bisibela....

  8. After I tried making bbb am now hooked to it. Thanks for the idea of making the masala twice the amount and use the next time ... I can have bbb a little more frequently this way. :-)
    Am eyeing that spoon ... that looks so good in your snaps for flickr. :-)

  9. I am not a rice lover, but Bisi belebath is my favorite!!!! In Bangalore, people serves it with khara bundi on it....... It tastes good....something crispy on it.

  10. I just love this Harini...
    Subbamma is so famous,you will even find the videos of her shop in youtube..

  11. My dear Harini..you really are superwoman! All that before 7:30. Kudos to you. The bise belebhath sounds yummy..i haven't had the pleasure of tasting this yet.

  12. It is commendable that you manage to get all the stuff done before 7:30 AM. In my case I have to drag myself and also I keep loosing patience especially when pressed for time. BBB is a favorite dish and I remember the yummy powder from Subbamma stores.

  13. Hey superwoman, lovely presentation. BB is a favorite at home too.

    I don't mind getting the flickr photos in my reader, but the suspense is lost.

  14. Ha that's the fun having daughter i think dear.....you can see yourself in her...bisi belebath looks yum....

  15. Wowow my favourite dish..loved reading...BBB makes me hungry SM

  16. I agree with you,time flies quickly.I am waiting for my daughter to grow up.I too used to wear my mom's footwear thgh not clothes,I am few sizes bigger !!.I agree with HC as well. Great looking BBB. Never ever tried all by myself and hated the instant mix ones.I love MTR's BBB.Its the only place where I love BBB.Its high time I tried itat home.SuperSunnyMom Ji, Kudos for controlling the morning chaos.I normally go thru a heart attack .

  17. Wow!! I feel like having some bisi bele bath right away!Fabulous recipe.

  18. Oh! i do understand i have three of them..., the eldest is the laziest...., gets in her own pace ! my hubby leaves home by 7am ! he is always mad at me as i start my suprabatam early in the morning!, as u said my things disappear now a days starting with my sandals & shoes all three of have the same size!, sometimes my tops! they are nearly my size!..., sometimes i get so mad!, love the dish, sat & sun dish easy to make and finish it off.... and out from the kitchen in minutes..., looks very yummy..., my dashboard is full of ur photos..., all of them have come out very beautiful too....

  19. My daughter has already started eyeing my things.

    Bisibele bath looks very tempting.

    We r in India and taking our time to settle down.

  20. What a wonderful blog (love your pictures) and the Bisi belebath recipe looks warm and consoling.

  21. wow bisi belebath looks delicious!!!

  22. Yeah Harini am a Subamma visitor too.You are right its the Vangi Bhath powder,yummy isnt it?:)

  23. Lovely picture! Looks too good.

  24. I'm bookmarking to try, sounds too good not to :)

  25. Wonderful recipe. After reading your post, I tried it out today and it came out so well. The rice gets a wonderful flavor because of the dry bisi bele powder

  26. Madhu, Am glad you liked it. Thanks for trying!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at sunshinemomsblog@gmail.com, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!