Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vegan Bundt Cakes - Three versions

Vegan,Bundt,Desserts,MangoAlign Center

This Summer has been quite eventful for me. First the trek was canceled. That was set right by an unplanned visit to Bangalore. The second unexpected news came in last week! You know how I thought I was so lucky to have an office close home? Well, it is all going to change soon. I will have to start traveling in trains and go through the 'major Mumbai grind' from next week on, meaning I spend 4-5 hours less at home and blog less frequently. I am sure the change will bring back some forgotten pleasures from the past!

I will be close to Colaba Causeway which is my favourite haunt for knick knacks and junk jewelery. I also get to attend all the major book sales and regularly visit Strand Book Stall and other places as I will be in one of the most vibrant parts of the city. It was my wish to interview Mr.Shanbag, a man who was more than just a book seller to generations of Mumbaiites. Unfortunately he passed away in April leaving me quite sad though I did not know him except for that handshake. I wonder how some people can touch so many lives without ever coming in contact with any of them! My children are happy because I might occasionally get them pastries from "Gaylord's."

Traveling in train will mean a daily dose of P.G.Wodehouse - somehow I find that no other author can shrink distances and keep the sunny side up like him. I will try and carry my faithful Sancho Panza (the good old camera!), and bring you the quirky side of Mumbai, except during the rains!

I am often asked whether I cut vegetables in the train! Believe me, I haven't seen any of the ladies doing this in the train in all the years I have been in this city and I cannot see the remote possibility of such an activity when each of us is trying hard to keep ourselves balanced on one or the other foot (maybe it happens on holidays and weekends when the 'well-traveled' workforce prefers resting at home and the rest of the city travels)! Yes, I have done more embroidery, knitting, crocheting and reading in a moving train than elsewhere.

You should see the crowd on other days and you will know what I mean. You have to strengthen your mind and decide on a strategy to gain a foot hold and haul yourself into the train. It is quite a mean task and not meant for the weak-hearted;)! Yet there is something about this city that sets it apart. Once you do find that toehold, someone will put an arm around you and pull you in, sharing whatever little space is available. It is empathy and camaraderie! Certain politicians seem to get a kick spoiling the fun for the rest of us by picking on regional differences while some section of the population seem to take things for granted and go round dirtying the city in unimaginable ways!!

The Summer was good too because my parents were here for their longest stay ever - three whole weeks!! I had a really nice time as my mother dished out typical Palakkad delights that I seldom prepare. My sister and brother-in-law were here for a day and as is traditionally the custom, I wanted to offer a nice homemade sweet. After a lot of thought I settled on a vegan cake rather than a payasam as my BIL ('S') was quite amused with the 'vegan thing' as he called it!

I regularly make vegan bundt cakes changing the flavour by using different fruits in pureed form. You have already seen the strawberry bundt cake before. After that I have used orange, sweet lime and mango separately and in combination quite a few times. For 'S' I prepared a bundt cake with orange and mangoes, as it is only from April to June that alphonsos or hapus flood the market.

We are lucky to know a couple who own a mango orchard in Devgad that grows the organic variety and we usually place orders for one or two petis every year. A peti of mangoes refers to a crate of mangoes containing four or five dozens unripe and ripe mangoes. My children prefer eating the fruit itself rather than the cake but I indulge in ice creams, shakes, tarts and cakes! I have never seen them say no to anything!

Yesterday I made vegan apricot ice creams and vegan mango cake for tea. They were a hit and we just finished off the four pieces that were left! The other versions are somewhat similar with more of fresh orange juice, less of mango or just orange juice.

Mango Bundt Cake - Vegan, Low Fat and Delicious!
(Own recipe that comes with experience - We loved it, hope you do too!)
Yield: Serves approximately 15 medium sized pieces.

Mangoes (pureed) - 380g, 1.5 cups received from 3 medium sized alphonso mangoes
Soy milk - 1/4 cup
Sugar (Powdered with an inch of fresh ginger) - 3/4 cup
(Depends on the sweetness of the mangoes)
Maida/All Purpose Flour - 1 cup
Whole wheat flour - 1 cup + extra for dusting the bundt pan
Baking powder - 1.25tsp.
Baking soda - 3/4 tsp.
Vegan butter spread - 2tbsp.



Blend the pureed mangoes, soy milk, vegan butter and gingered sugar together and set aside.

In a large bowl mix the flours, baking powder and baking soda well, or just sieve them together.

Make a well in the center of the dry mixture and pour the liquid ingredients. Mix gently till the liquid is equally incorporated. Now beat it just twice and pour into the greased and dusted tin. Over beating will result in hastening the chemical action of the soda. We want it to start after going into the oven and go on at constant temperature so just mix.

You could use cupcake moulds too. I prefer bundt pans as it is much easier to slice the cake.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or till the crust turns golden. If your oven has burn points rotate the pan after 20 minutes and do not peek in before that.

Let cool in the pan for five minutes. Turn onto a rack and let cool completely before cutting. It crumbles otherwise. Makes a great tea cake or breakfast cake too, and it has a lovely crisp crust!


Other versions:
Vegan Orange-Coconut Bundt Cake:


The method is the same except that I made a bigger cake. I reserved some of the juice and mixed in some icing sugar to make a solution, and dripped it over half the cake. For the other half I beat cream, sugar and orange juice. I don't really think it was required but my daughter wanted some cream so I just did that to indulge her. The quantity of sugar depends on the sweetness of the fruit. For the orange cake I used more sugar than I did for the mango cake. I have also added 2 tablespoons of fresh grated coconut to the dry mixture and mixed it well before adding the wet mixture. The coconut makes enormous difference. Also add a tsp of grated orange rind. It does flavour the cake.

Vegan orange, mango and coconut bundt cake:


I had only two mangoes, so I made up for the rest by adding fresh orange juice. Proceed as above. The juice has to be about a cup and a half at least. I added 1.5 cups sugar and it was just right. The oranges were not really sweet, and the mangoes were less too.


'S' was a little doubtful and took a small piece. A few minutes later he took another, then another, then another FIVE times;). He said, "Arre yaar, I wondered how this vegan thing was going to taste." "The first bite wasn't all that great, but once you have had it you actually realise it tastes great, good one!"

Me - I just flick those imaginary collars up with a grin!

Event submission:
My favourite colour during this time of the year is yellow as mangoes assault my kitchen in huge numbers. Sweatha calls for your favourite colour as this month's theme for FIC. All the three cakes go to her.

Srivalli has a mango mela going at her place. The first and third cakes are my first submission.


  1. hi harini, I read through your post it made me remember mumbai, i visited mumbai very long back when my sis lived in umbergauv (gujarat), my sis & me took a train early morning at 5 and reached mumbai, & i thought people have become very mechanical here, God!, very fast going life, mumbai never sleeps i think!, while returning i did see few women cutting vegetables i was so surprised, as you said you should have a real stamina to travel in trains, i still like to write more..., but let me stop, your cakes are too good, i am definitely going to try them as they are vegan...., and has fresh fruits in them!.... they look really gorgeous

  2. Pity you have to travel for you work so long.
    Love the shops Colaba Causeway, when eve rwe are there we pass the place everyday.
    Cake looks so moist and yummy.

  3. Great looking cakes and each one sounds delicious.

  4. Oh my delicious looking vegan mango cake..lovely color..i know how travelling in mumbai trains is..i too prefer to read books while travelling in local trains ie if I am lucky enough to get a place to sit or even stand!!!


    I am imagining the gingered sugar with mango and soymilk (slurp) a mango ginger shake can also be delicious.
    BTW aap hamein bhi knick knacks bhej deejiye plz,now that you r nearer to your haunt.
    Take good care thgh,all the travelling can be a bit stressful.You can prepare drafts for blogging while sitting on the train as well.Sitting and not standing thgh

  6. The bundt cakes look absolutely awesome, and the mango cakes makes me crave both cakes and alphonso mangoes at the same time :-) Found the part about cutting vegetables in the train funny, although I have seen some women string beans and cut the ends of okra with their fingers in the train :-)

  7. Good luck Harini for your new endeavor! The cakes look moist and beautiful.

  8. Thanks all for the best wishes, and am glad you liked those cakes.

  9. Harini, first time here and very beautiful blog. Good luck on your new endeavor. Excellent recipe, a must try one.

  10. I have heard so much about Mr. Shanbhag from a friend, I wish I had met him at least once. I love shops at colaba causeway too. My uncle used to live in Cuffe Parade, so that was a regular shopping destination.

    Cake looks amazing. I do not own bundt pan. I was thinking of making a loaf and hope it comes out as nice as yours.

  11. Harini...nostalgic now.Jes the thot abt Mumbai makes me so happy..i have so many fond memories.I simply love the train journey....oh i miss mumbai!!!Though ti was never my hometown...the numerous visits to this city made me fall in love with it.Coloba is my fav place too...i like the "Ghoda Ghadi" ride there.Comin to the cake..its a coincidence i jes planned to make a Bundt cake n picked up the pan and here i see ur post.Cake looks delicious...i wud go with the cream effect too jes like your daughter.Lovely click as usual...super moist one.Thanks for the recipe:))

  12. The cake loks delicious for sure! bright color!

  13. Liked the idea of gingered sugar. Cakes look moist.

    I am sure travelling in trains will give u more stuff to ur ramblings blog. It was thro ur post that I got to know about Mr.Shanbag and felt sad when i read about his passing away.

  14. All the cakes look so perfect and delicious. I am new to food blogging and nice to meet you all.

  15. Don't know how to react to this news...its good ...and not good ....Great that u will get to explore more, but all this traveling on regular basis surely snatch that precious time , that we could spend with kids..well knowing u (if i can claim so) i am sure that u will beautifully manage this...Abh main Aa Rahi hoon toh aap bhaag rahe ho...tsk tsk...u should have found better way to run away from
    Anyways Best of luck for the new workplace, and cakes looks too good to resist...again since these are without any cream and have a most favorite ingredient of mine (Mango), so just waiting for tasting these..though i know u all finished it off...still ;-)

  16. all the cakes look heavenly..pass me a piece harini |:)

  17. Awesome pics, Harini!!! Sure, they tasted very good too..... good luck with all the traveling that's coming up for you :)

  18. Hey it was a nice read, so you feel like being on a ode of P.G wodehouse when you travel on a train actually I love this guy!!! Cut veggies on a train that sounds like keeping one occupied!!! anyways after all everyone advised me I dropped reading and embroiding while travelling in a train!!! Cake looks very soft and loved ur versions!!!

  19. Cutting veg in train, I imagine u hanging somewhere near the door and travelling in the crowd. The cake is delicious after all Vegan thing is winner :)

  20. Your vegan cakes have a lovely texture, Harini. Btw, what did your B-I-L say about the "vegan thing" after eating cake? :)

    So I guess you will be at the office I originally thought you were at? I must say I don't envy you the train ride. :)

    Did you come to Goa during the vacation, in the end?

  21. Cakes are looking tempting!!!! Your post reminded me the crowd of local trains in mumbai! Anyways keep posting nice recipes with GR8 pics very regularl.... please!!!!

  22. Hi S, thanks for visiting me. I had a very limited time In India, so didn't tell anybody to make time for family.Next time, I will surely let everyone know.

    For somebody who never grew up in India, it would be a shock to see India for the first time. We love the country because we know the inner beauty! :)

    See you in Fall, enjoy the Monsoon there. I should have gone in December instead of now, would have enjoyed India more.

  23. :-( for your travel. but i like it that u have taken a very positive look to that, Way better that whining, right. I travelled back in India while i was in school thru college in public trains & buses, had innumerable hours wasted & not so wasted for i met my dear hubby in a bus stand during that time:-)

    the cakes ROCK! the flavors you have used make me want to go & live with u! & the pictures talks about the wonderful texture u ahve there..

  24. I have heard that too, that ladies to save time cut veggies on the train.
    So sorry to hear about your longer commute now.
    All the Vegan cakes look delish.

  25. fabulous Harini, I loved all of them. One needs to have a lot of stamina to move around in Mumbai.

  26. u wll hve ur space for few hrs to do things which u like to do,.i guess everyone crave for space of their own specially fter gettin mrrie,..cke looks yum,...loved all the three versions,..:-)

  27. Harini, I love what you wrote in Asha's blog. Thats why I want to come back HOME.

    The cake looks good but I NO WANTING VEGAN CAKE!!! Make something laden with sugar and cream na..for once...

  28. Awesome bundt cake! And with less butter! I'm defintely going to give this a try! Was on the look out for cakes with less butter.

    And reg: your query on making puttu: The procedure is to make tiny hole at the bottom of the shell to allow the steam to pass through and place it on top of the nozzle. The hole should be large enough to make it fit on top of the nozzle. Also place a perforated lid at the bottom to prevent the contents from falling through the hole.
    Alternatively you may place the coconut shell with the contents on top of a bowl of steaming water having a tapered top(like the puttu steamer) so that the shell may conveniently sit on top of this!

    Hope I have cleared your doubt. Feel free to ask in case you do have more queries. And thanks for reading :)

  29. Wow,Bundt cake looks yummy and moist. You have an awesome space.Also thankyou for stopping by:)

  30. Lovely looking cakes Harini! I still have that thing about baking soda, but do remember your advice. My mango cake was so dense ... while yours look so fluffy. :-)
    Wish I could pick a piece. :-)

  31. Harini...I made this cake today for some friends who don't have eggs and they absolutely loved it. A wonderful and easy recipe, gonna try different flavors soon.
    Btw, I worked with American Express just above the Regal Cinema Bldg., so the causeway was like a second home to of my fav places to be. Was wondering if you've ever tried the desserts at Theobroma...they are heavenly, used to visit every weekend.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!