Friday, March 13, 2009

Its tofu time:)

My husband has gone crazy seeing tofu at home - he tried hating it for long but now he has succumbed to its flavors! Tofu has at last won over all of us:)

Jr.H always liked it (but then you know she likes anything!), Jr.P likes it sometimes - he has a love hate relationship with it, and I fell in love with it when I saw how I could use it in all my dishes and yet hide it from those who say they hate tofu! P was one of them so whenever I made cakes earlier I never let it out that tofu was the egg replacer and when he would give me the thumbs up, I would reveal it with a swish like a magician! It is only recently when I made the tofu marinate that he realised the versatility of this 'yet to be fully recognised' vegan ingredient. Since then I have been happily incorporating it and discovering its full potential.

I am also trying out a lot of ice creams these days - just stuck a melon ice cream and strawberry ice cream in the freezer - so that I have lots of variety to offer when my Parents get here next month. My Mother loves ice cream, especially kaju kismis, and I want to see her smile when she tries mine and I hope that she will say it is better than what we get at Naturals! That is the yard stick I have kept for myself!

I realized that there are too many food pictures that haven't had a chance to get here still so am posting three of my favourite recipes. These are all fast, nutritious and healthy.

Pan fried tofu:
Drain the water from a block of extra-firm tofu by placing it on a plain plate and keeping a weight on top of it (a rectangular tray or plate) for at least 30 minutes. Cut it into half and then into 1cm thick rectangular blocks.

Heat a non-stick flat pan or skillet, and lay the pieces. Oil is not needed but you may drizzle some if you like. The tofu pieces will sizzle for a while. Using a pancake turner, turn over after a minute and brown the other side. Remove onto a plate. Sprinkle chilli powder or roasted peanut powder or drizzle hoisin sauce or jam and serve it as a starter. I did not like the jam but Jr.H did. Kids have wierd choices:)

Tofu cutlets:
Leftover cooked brown rice (Any rice)
Crumbled firm tofu (I used soyfit tofu)
Green chillies - chopped
Coriander - chopped
Salt and chilli powder to taste.

Grind the tofu and brown rice to a rough paste. Mix with the rest of the ingredients. Flatten into discs and shallow fry with sesame oil or any other oil. I served this for breakfast, with vegan white sauce seased with mustard and pepper.

Vegan Cashew Dip:
I made this the other day because I had many oranges. It was an impromptu thing that turned out tasty and makes a good dip with salad veggies or even roasted vegetable platter.

Tastes better than mayonnaise (I do not like mayo!). Grind a handful of raw cashews with a little water. When it turns to a smooth paste combine 3 tbsp. of fresh orange juice and season with a pinch of salt and pepper.


  1. My daughter loves Tofu, my son hates it. Y'day we were watching a TV show and the guy there said "I don't eat Tofu, it gives you man boobs!" and my son screamed and said "I knew it, no wonder I don't like it!" :D

    I have no idea whether it's true, didn't research it but I know it's very good for women though, prevents many PMS problems. When I read about your hubby not liking it reminded me of that show.HeHe.

    I made a Tofu dish too, coming up. Dessert looks so good, great dishes, love the cashew sauce!:)

  2. Great post! Lovely recipes :) The penultimate pic of the tofu pieces is really beautiful :)

  3. I have never tasted tofu before and it's not really easy to find in Greece but your pan friend or "saganaki" as we call it in Greece looks delicious.

  4. I too have started using tofu in various dishes now, lovely recipes must try them too...I too don't like mayo! will try urs...

  5. harini it's the same thing with my hubby..he resisted, tried not liking it. but after i made the tandoori tofu he likes it:-)i haven't ventured into using in desserts yet..just spicy savory. my kids love it.

    Love the pan fried one & ur Dip!! lovely picutes!

  6. Your blog certainly is the treasure for tofu delights:)

  7. I am slowly getting convinced that tofu might not be so bad to taste after all ... all I need is a few different recipes and a little resilience.:-) Love the dip .. easy and fast. :-) Naturals is something we swear by too ... but your icecreams tempt me try my hand at making them at home. :-)

  8. Wow, the pan fried is killer H. The dip is great way to have around for the fresh veggies! Beautiful pict!

  9. Great Tofu dishes...looks yum...I especially love the dip. Sounds delicious.

  10. Iam not such a big fan of tofu, I like it sometimes, But dislike it most of the times. Hopefully, someday I will start liking it .. loved the cutlets

  11. I love tofu much,i just go crazy for the panfried tofu, my fav appetizer..Tofu cutlet with rice is very new for me, am just drooling over the dip...Excellent dishes altogether..yummyyyyy!!

  12. Love the dip sooo much..The tofu pics are great

  13. Thats a pretty asset on tofus..loved and bookmarked.

  14. Not a big fan of tofu.but this looks yumm.Lovely spread..And recipes

  15. I am not great fan of tofu but still trying to adapt its taste. Actually I also heard mix reactions about tofu and soy products. Whatever I learn from my google research, I understand that it is good to use soy products once a while in your diet.

  16. Dearie,you r a tofu genius.Love the ways you served it with.Actually I started liking it when I started baking (Thanks to Madhuram for Eggless Baking)then slowly other dishes started following
    Also dearie I asked you regarding the 'RK brand Tofu'I got here -see my comment in 'marinated tofu'..Anyidea what I could do with it.It says 'firm' but I am confused.Can I use it in icecreams if not for baking.Generally can any tofu be used for icecream or in cutlets as you did.Do give me your opinion as and when you are free

  17. hey hi,

    loved the post and the pics...lovely blog you got going there!!!!



  18. Thank you all:)

    Asha, the boob thing is really amazing!! And what an excuse - one that P will no doubt love;) I know that tofu is good to be used in our diets but I use it once in two weeks definitely, hopefully I might escape PMS whenever it comes! I am waiting for your tofu dish:)

    A and N, Soma, Yasmeen, Cham, Poornima, Priya, Madhumati, Ann, Shama thanks:)

    Ivy, I will look up for some Greek dishes now. I found some of yours intriguing too:) Try tofu - one must have everything at least once in a life time, isn't it?

    Jayasri, same pinch:)

    Sharmila, it isn't so hard but yes - you have to accept the taste as it is different from anything Indian!

    Deesha, if you start with the cutlets and don't like tofu do add a few boiled potatoes! The cutlets are strictly liked only if you like tofu:)

    GS, you should try with marinated tofu. The sauces will at least tempt you:)

    Sweatha, I am so sorry! I completely forgot:) I don't know about RK tofu. Never heard of it here. It must be a local brand. But if it says 'firm' you should be able to use it in desserts. Firm ones are usually very very tender. They will crumble easily and can be mashed up with a fork too, though they won't become a paste. If it has pores than I don't think you should use it for desserts - it must be like sofit's tofu which I use for tikkas and cutlets. It is good for those things.

    Welcome, Shoba and thanks:)

  19. Pictures are good and well,tofu recipes sounds good too:)

  20. Tofu is yet to make an entry into my kitchen. And with each tofu post from you, I am leaning towards tofu.

    Lovely pics.

  21. I made onece tofu here and none of us liked it ( i think i choose d the wrong dish to make)
    Till now i have not tried anymore tofu, i should try again ad tofu is so good.

  22. Nice dishes Harini... pan fried tofu with vegan white sauce for breakfast sounds heavenly :)

  23. I too have a love/hate relationship with tofu but my husband loves it. He loves anything which is healthy, it need not necessarily be tasty.

  24. The cashew dip sounds pretty interesting and I like the idea of tofu cutlets.:)

  25. i also tried to add tofu in my diet, but same, he simply goes crazy if he sees i bought tofu. Till now no dish has won our hearts.(only lots of experiments)..hehe.
    Urs r lovely pic.s , now can try again..

  26. I love tofu-only the firm variety! Ja loves tofu as well- only if its deep fried! But there is some kind of news here, that tofu increases the estrogen level (thats explains the man-boobs!).

  27. long time,..gld to ceeu bck,..;-)hubby htes tofu,,,so i think twice before tryin,..wesome pic,..

  28. many varieties with tofu!I like it...

  29. Me loves tofu but it has to made right....and looks like you did a fantastic job with yours! The dip esp. sounds very different.

  30. Thanks Dahling.I think I will have to put on a brave front and attack RK Tofu.I will let you know the consequences of my attack qhich will most probably be cutlets. (Keeping fingers crossed)
    Hope you are preparing for the tripHow I wish I too could be a part of such trip.I love mountains,thogh never ever been on such a trip

  31. both these recipes look great. I think I have a block of tofu lying in the fridge.

    The sauce looks great too... should serve it as a dip the next time we have a do :)

  32. the marinade looks wonderful. i like tofu sometimes and love it sometimes. i hate the silken tofu in shakes, etc., though.

  33. That cutlet is amazing are on a tofu roll
    Tofu Burji is a great way to eat tofu too, me who is not really a tofu fan loves it

    sandeepa(Bong Mom's CookBook)

  34. WOW (impressed look). Your tofu dish3w looks so yummy.

    Here I bought a sauce pack for Sauce for Mapo Tofu so as to skip all the seasonings! and i will try this friday after work.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!