Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Strawberry bundt cake and ice cream


Yippee!! Summer hols are drawing near:)! I am as excited as the children and we are all looking forward to the arrival of my parents and my niece. 26 days to go:) !

A few days back revelation struck me and I know I will forget it soon too - my kids have grown! Jr.H at 13 is a big girl but it is really funny when I hear Jr.P recalling memories saying 'when I was a kid' and he is only 9! When he said that yesterday, the rest of us looked at him with 'was a kid?' expression on our faces which made him go red. It was only after we solemnly promised that we would 'give him our ears' that he went further. Psssss........t, we were actually crumbling inside with bubbles of laughter welling up inside our throats:). On a serious note I am surprised at how vividly he recalled the details of the event that happened when he was four - five Summers ago......

Circa 2004:
We (Jr.P, Jr.H and I) were waiting at the lobby of Sahar Airport (Now known as Chattrapati Shivaji Hawai Adda) for our Bangalore flight. I was engrossed in a book and so was Jr.H while Jr.P was looking through his Noddy book. He was a distinguished little gentleman even then and would get dressed only in jeans/pants and full sleeved shirts and sometimes a coat too:)!

Suddenly Jr.P started nudging me and whispering in excited undertones - "Amma, Shaan is here." Jr.P was and is still a huge fan of Shaan and those days 'Tanha Dil' was a hit number that he loved to listen and sing. I looked up and around but could not spot the singer. The nudging continued till I asked Jr.H for her confirmation which only caused more confusion and curiosity. We knew Jr.P couldn't be so wrong too. On looking around more carefully I saw a guy sitting a some chairs away and he did seem to resemble Shaan. I did not want to appear like a fan(OK! I was just trying to act sophisticated!), so we got up casually and took seats right opposite but a little away to observe him more closely. The guy with a bag and a book was not even bothered by the mini furor he was creating - esp. a mama changing places to have a closer look! Then one gentleman got up, went up to him, introduced and shook his hands and when Shaan looked up and smiled we knew it was definitely him. It was his usual warm smile:).

I would probably not have paid any attention on some other day but I knew Jr.P wanted to go and talk to him - only, like any four year old he was shy about it. So I walked up and introduced myself and told Shaan how Jr.P was a big fan of his and Shaan was actually so sweet! He called Jr.P, asked him his name to which Jr.P predictably looked down and only raised his eyes and Jr.H hid behind me. A proud mama, I asked Jr.P to sing 'Tanha dil' but he wouldn't oblige us and we all had a laugh when Shaan remarked, "maybe it was not his favourite song anymore, haan beta?" I however got an autograph for Jr.P in his Noddy book that Jr.P cherishes and looks at with a lot of pride even now.

Back to the bedroom in 2009:
"He must remember me." "Do you think he does?", he asked his big sister with anxiety.
"Of course, not!", said Jr.H a little snootily.
But Jr.P would not give up hope so easily. "I am sure he remembers! After all not many have my name." He said.
Jr.P has a rather uncommon name but you know what? That conversation affected me most! If we were to see Shaan within the next two years I know I will run up to him and tell, "Hey! we met you a few Summers back, and please do act like you know my son P......, and ask him to sing 'Tanha dil'. Thanks!," and rush back. Maybe he will remember after all!

These talks may seem idle but these little conversations make my weekends something I look forward to with a lot of anticipation. I know that the children will have lots to share - things that have taken place during the week, the brat in school, the new teacher sometimes, and the new friends they have made, which they know I love listening to.

Incidentally we were all having ice creams when this happened and that is another thing that Summers bring back apart from flashbacks and hot air - the need for coolers. I have been trying out a lot of ice creams lately and this time I used the strawberries I bought at Reliance Mart the other day. Yesterday I visited Godrej Nature's basket and found a "do pe ek free" (Pick two and get the third free) offer on strawberries that looked fresh so I picked up some more which resulted in a double treat of strawberry coconut pound cake and strawberry ice cream as well.


The pound cake is inspired from Dorie Greenspan's lemon coconut bundt tea cake but it is veganized and in the end doesn't resemble the original recipe in terms of the ingredients or the taste as the strawberries are bound to add their own taste and flavour, and they turn whackier when you add some balsamic vinegar to it!

I tried the same recipe with orange juice a few weeks back when we were flooded with some tasty oranges and I had really loved the cake. This time I decided to replace the orange juice with strawberry puree and we loved it. The kids did not like it at all because the cake had a 'cocktail flavor'. Do you like wine, bacardi breezer - cranberry flavour? Then you will love this. I am not much into drinks or alconol but I like an occassional tequila, Bailey's Irish cream liqueur, a shot of Drambuie and cocktails with bacardi breezers (and I hate vodka/gin)! So if you have a similar taste you will love this as much as I did!

It was not like anything I have tasted before - I loved the firm texture and the slight hint of wine which was the high point for P, Jr.P and me. Definitely a keeper recipe. I used oil and that too very less but you could easily change it with sour cream and butter - I prefer mine like this.

I love baking in bundt pans as the cakes look really pretty and it is also easy to cut and serve. I somehow feel the browning is more even. All these days I thought I had lost my pan after I made the monkey bread long back but while looking for something else I found my tin and since then all my bakes are bundty (that reminds me of Bindi Irwin)!!

Strawberry Coconut Bundt Cake
(This is perfect for tea - P had it with ice cream!)

Dry ingredients:
3 cups flour mix made of 1 cup Whole wheat flour (ashirwaad), 1.5 cups APF and 0.5 cup corn flour.
1.5 tsp. - baking powder
0.5tsp. - baking soda
Salt - A pinch

Sieve together and toss 1/2 cup fresh grated coconut and set aside.

Wet ingredients:
4 tbsp - sunflower oil
1.5 tbsp - balsamic vinegar
1 cup - coconut milk (I used canned)
1.5 cups - strawberry puree
2 cups - sugar
1/4 tsp. - cinnamon powder (optional)

Mix all the wet ingredients except the balsamic vinegar in a saucepan and heat on low flame till the mixture blends together. Remove and add the vinegar and blend.

Now add the wet ingredients to the dry till mixed well by cutting and folding. Stir twice but take care to do that gently, and do not overmix.

Pour it into your prepared tin and bake in a preheated oven at 180 deg. cel. for 30 minutes and increase to 200 and bake further till firm to touch and a clean toothpick comes out clean when inserted. Mine took 50-55 minutes. Rotate the pan half way through during baking.

Why do we do the things we did and why you should take care of those little things:
Do not forget the soda. It is the reaction between the soda and the vinegar (or fruit puree in any other quick bread or cake) which is responsible for the initial rise of the cake. The heat provided helps the action further. Too much soda may leave a bitter taste due to non-reacted soda left over in the batter. Too much stirring will start and end the reaction even before the cake goes into the oven and result in a tough cake. Do not let the batter sit once you have brought the dry and wet ingredients together.

This cake has a firm exterior, a soft but not crumbly interior - it will not fall apart if you cut it. If it becomes tough it means that the batter has been stirred too much!

Strawberry ice cream:


I followed the same recipe as for the mulberry ice cream but this time I pureed the fruits and added to the milk-cornflour-cream mixture. My children had one complaint. They did not like the grainy feeling the seeds gave, otherwise the ice cream was good. Next time I make I will strain the pureed strawberries. I did not think but it obviously makes a difference! I did not add food colouring to get a bright pink shade. I felt that making the syrup and then adding too would have brought out the colour of the fruit.

Strawberry ice cream diptych


I know many pictures are not showing up because I exceeded the photobucket limit this month. I don't feel ready for the pro tag yet but these will be set right on 20th. Please bear with a smile:). This was the first time so it is a lesson for me!!

Event submission:
Both the entries go to FIC pink. FIC was started by me, and I am happy to have Priya hosting it this month. Do rush in your entries to her.

I am sending this to Madhuram of Eggless Cooking for her monthly event on various egg substitutions. This time it is vinegar.


  1. you are tempting me again!!! I can so relate to summer holidays, kids school etc... I would go on non-stop about my teachers, friends,even what they brought for lunch! Anything but homework!!!!

  2. I love the remark of junoir , when i was a kid, you so lucky only less than a month for sumer holls, here we have to wait till jully 1 st :-(
    Yeah kids do grow up so fast, when i look to Shyama and see how she has grown i am like no she will be off in few years to colleage.
    I just bought last week Dorre's book and i have been reading it ever since in the evening.
    Never made cake with strawberries, should give it a try when the season is here.
    Love the cake and the ice cream.

  3. awww both icecream and cake look out of the world..pretty colors.

  4. Hey,your strawberry bundt cake looks yummy and perfect.

  5. Wow..looks like its raining strawberries at your place:)...I've never gotten around to making strawberry desserts...I love them so much I always end up eating half the box before I even reach home...Both the treats look delicious...

  6. Hey first time to your have got a greatblog here...Being 9 and telling "when I was a kid"...I am laughing here too..cake and icecream looks great.

  7. LOL @ Hawai adda! Sounds funny!

    My kids call me and Arvind as fossils! Haha!

    Yeah, I still can't believe my son is 14, it's as if I brought him home in my arms from the hospital y'day! Not fair for parents, they all leave you in few yrs. BooHoo!
    Enjoy them while you can. When friends come, they ignore you as well! ;D
    Trisha doesn't make friends that easily but when she does, she chooses a few and keeps them long term.
    Strawberry cake looks fab, I love the color and aroma of strawberries, always nice to look at and have it too.

  8. Mein wahan aa jaaon?Love LOVE LOVE the bundt cake-veganized I cannot believe it.Love it dearie,I think you should adopt me,but haan meri family bhi saath aa jaayegi,ek pe ek family free.
    Tanha dil Tanha safar,cake mujhe bula raha he par....kuch karo Sunshine ji,agla flight yahaan se wahaan kab hain?!I am truly stumped by your skills,H.Honestly being a vegan baker in India takes a lot of courage and patience
    Love the post,kids remember much more than we think they do,sometimes small incidents leave a lasting impression.Enjoy the vacation with your parents and niece.

  9. I can always rely on your site for some wonderful looking treats that tempt me to try them far I have resisted :-) Loved your post and how cute to hear a nine year old say " when I was a kid " :-)

  10. Wow bundt cake n ice cream looks amazing...i never tried cake with strawberries, i have to give a try this summer..

  11. All these gorgeous pink ice creams and desserts popping up everywhere. I have to say FIC is one of my most favorite events Harini. I like Shaan as well, how nice that your son got to meet him. And yes, even my daughter who is 6 sometimes says, when I was a

  12. Harini..such a sweet post..I can sense Jr: P's excitement n P..:)
    The ice cream looks lip a great fan of strawberry's too..:)

  13. I loved reading this post Harini...nice :) Adding strawberry in cakes sounds intresting..I should try this cake soon, looks delicious!

  14. Loved Jr.P remarks.. Whenever I sue the term "When I was small" I suddenly start feeling that I am really old!
    Same pinch to you.. made strawberry ice cream yest. Planning to post it later in the evening.. the cake looks yummy and has got a nice shade of pink :D

  15. Yummy. Both are my favourites.

  16. Loved the conversations....

    love the cake and the icecream especially because the icecream doesn't have the expected pinkish colour

  17. ohh..the strawberry ice cream looks so yummy!

  18. Awesome pink colored recipes. Nice entries :-)

  19. The cake and the ice-cream looks like a deadly combination.
    When my 3.5 year old looks at a year old he refers to them as baby. We are mused at that time and I can imagine how you feel.

    Enjoy your time with your parents. It is priceless isn't it? I feel like doing a count down for you.

  20. I'm still thinking what to send for the event. Sigh. Looks lovely. Great pics also!

  21. The new header looks gorgeous.
    Me too counting days for my parents and neice to come over. But it is in May.

    Loved both icecream and cake. Lovely click.

  22. hi Harini, Lucky Junior for meeting Shaan. I love his songs too. On another note - just a few questions as I am such an amateur at baking but am going to try soon .. :)
    1) beat butter and sugar - does it mean.. mix together with a spoon or can I use a hand held mixer ?
    2) cut and fold in dry ingredients to wet means .... use a spoon or a hand held mixer ?
    3) all be stirred - with a spoon or hand held mixer will do ?
    4) how do you make icing/or buttercream as it is known to spread on cake ?
    thanks for your help and advice

  23. I do not like ice cream .. but I like cake & ice cream .. u know the layered sundae kinds. Like the pretty colour of your cake. :-)

  24. Thanks all:)

    SJ, it was you who tempted me!! Remember? Oh! My sentiments exactly - I hated HW too:)

    HC, You are lucky! We don't get these books here and I still haven't tried Amazon!! Do try the cake:)

    Poorna, I have the same problem which is why I went for the offer in the first place!!

    Mrs.Kannan, welcome, and glad you enjoyed being here:)

    Asha, that had me laughing!!! Fossils?:) I know those sentiments - am feeling them too:), and yes! I make it a point to enjoy each moment - you never know when adulthood will set in and take away the magic!!

    Sweatha, when I was smiling widely today, Jr.H asked - "Is it Sweatha Aunty's comment?":):)

    Varsha, your picture looks so sweet!!

    Ujwal, you are so right! I feel like a fossil - like Asha said:)

    RC, I am looking forward and yes! The feeling and the joy is priceless - like Mastercard says:)

    Jayasree, not all that far:)

    Marie, will answer in a mail, OK?

  25. That cake is a beautiful shade of pink. One more interesting and tasty thing to make with strawberries.
    I've just made something strawberry again!
    Akshaya is 13 (almost)too and its lovely to see a big girl with her own ideas and individuality, but sometimes I miss the little poppet she used to be.:)
    Its memories like these that will always be with us.

  26. We have this ritual, where I have to tell each and everybody's name in my son's (he is 3 and 1/2 now) class and he tells what he/she did in class. Usually it's the same thing everyday but he likes telling it. He calls it "school kadha". It's so nice to hear his mazhalai words. He is not able to pronounce "k" and "r" sounds yet. Instead he uses "t" and "y". It's so cute. So for red color he would say yed tolor.

    I made a similar strawberry cupcake using regular vinegar. But mine did not get this pink hue. The batter was pink, but after baking not much. Send this to my vinegar event also SM. I don't mind late submissions. Anyway I'm going to do the round up only on Monday.

    Reg. buttermilk, you can substitute it with soymilk and vinegar/lime juice combination. So if you find time you can send your entry for this month's egg replacement event.

  27. omg, that looks just out of the dessert menu in a restaurant ! awesome pics!

  28. strawberries always hit in my family!love the story and recipe

  29. Tempting cake and icecream....Nowadays kids do grow up fast..I hesitate to talk freely with kids whom I am conversing for the first never know when they will end up an embrassing Q ...hahahha

  30. mmmm,..i am droolin here,..:-)even i am publishin somethin pink for ur event if google doc permits,..have writteeverythin...but not able to insert pics,.;-(i don knw whats wron with google docs,..

  31. Sweet story:-) .. my 3 year old says.."when i was a kid" & she is the baby of the family now.. she is really a dadi ..

    I am really interested in this cake .. for i have tried a couple of times to bake cake with strawberry puree.. & they were disasters.. how tempting it is with strawberries galore in summer, but i haven't succeeded yet. I will follow this recipe next time.. bookmarking it. it looks right in everyeay, texture,color ! The icecream looks great too.

  32. Wow, what pretty pink hue H :) My son is 7, he keep saying when "I was a baby", it sounds weird for me. As he is the only one 4 us, I still consider baby, but he keep saying I am big kid!

  33. berry Cake and ice cream ,now that's celebrating summer.I would be just as excited to see a celebrity,but not bold enough to approach or talk to them.:)

  34. Never seen a bundt cake like this. Love the pink color :)

  35. now when i baked my strawberry cake that was exactly what i had in mind.............for managed the perfect pink........IM terribly jealous Harini..............Whats APF?????

  36. now when i baked my strawberry cake that was exactly what i had in mind.............for managed the perfect pink........IM terribly jealous Harini..............Whats APF?????


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!