Thursday, November 27, 2008

Vegan Scones

Scones for diabetics

I have been dreaming of them swimming in butter ever since my Enid Blyton days along with the secret seven and five find-outers, and concocting such interesting stuff in my not so 'happening' or 'adventurous' childhood. (I mean harassing the teachers, making the bus driver go so mad that he wouldn't take me in, burning my hair with candle light to get curly hair seemed quite staid back then!). Later I found William's Cook (Of the William series by Richmal Crompton) making them almost every other day and Miss Marple (Of Agatha Christie) having them with tea in her sophisticated English manner. I remain indebted to all these writers who devoted generous time and pages to describing high tea and evening tea so elaborately, and most of all I am thankful to H who gifted us an OTG for our wedding.

When we opened the wedding gifts, and saw the OTG, P had suggested giving it away already deciding that I would never use it. I however clung on to the OTG, and would not let go of it. Like all my other 'handicrafts' the OTG too remained in hibernation for three years, and in 2000 I baked my first cookie (I am a late bloomer in the field of cooking). After that I started baking cakes a lot but then I never took pictures - I wasn't blogging:). You could say my oven has seen it all - my egg-obsession, my vegetarian obsession, and now my vegan trial......, and the poor Sancho Panza has stood valiantly in my kitchen aiding me in my Quixotic culinary adventures! Sancho still serves me well except for drawing more current, not heating up soon, and taking double the time every recipe gives!! Please give me your suggestions as I might have to take a new one soon! Meanwhile my oven and I will embark on more quixotic adventures.

The 'dream' became remote when my first ones ended up with the label 'I need help here'. I have many clues as to what went wrong - I did not know my oven:) That was in March! Sometime back I came across this recipe at 'Diana's Desserts' that sounded very easy. I changed it quite a lot to turn it vegan, but the end result was so good, I am sure it is better than the one there. I am glad I had taken pictures all along. The recipe gave me about ten wedges each an isosceles triangle with two sides of 3" and base of 2" (I am sorry about the Mathematical precision but when I try a new recipe these things are important to me to let me know whether I am going the right way, so I guessed someone else might need it too). By evening there was nothing left for 'P' to even taste.

I am sure you saw what it was - the dream was a scone:)

Scones in wedges

(Source - Adapted to vegan from the Vegetarian version at Diana's Desserts)

A. Dry - to be sifted together:
1 cup - APF
1 cup - Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp. - Baking Powder

B. Ingredients for the wet portion:
1/2 cup - Boiled and grated sweet potato
4 tbsp. - Vegan Margarine/butter softened
5 tbsp. - Firm Tofu
1 tsp. - Lime juice
Stevia syrup - About a tsp. (The package gives instructions to make the syrup. By itself the syrup does have a bitter-sweet taste but not when it is added. It is a natural sugar substitute. Please read more about stevia here)

C. Others:
Dates - 1 soft one chopped
Raisins - About 10 to 12

D. Soymilk - About 2tbsps. or just enough to help you knead the dough.

Keep A aside in a wide bowl.

Place the B ingredients in a mixer jar and whip till absolutely creamy.

Make a center in A, add B, and bring together to form a dough. If it is a little crumbly add just enough soymilk to help you form a dough. Not a smooth elastic one, we just want the dough to come together and not actually knead enough to form gluten.

Roll into a 1/2" thick circle. Cut into wedges. I made ten wedges with the measurements given above.

Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200deg.C. for about 25 to 30 minutes, till they turn light golden brown.

Remove and serve warm with jam or butter.

I liked mine with black currant jam (Diabetic), but my son loved his without any topping. This one is a quick, ideal breakfast or tea time snack. It is healthy too - low on sugar, and as the site said it is for diabetics but, I see no reason why I should not go chomp, chomp.....look at me go:)

Chomp chomp:)

I am sending this to Sangeeth's Fight Diabetes Event.

I see no reason why diabetics should not much on something sweet once in a while. I have aniece who is a juvenile diabetic, and she is always 'in control'. These scones should satisfy an occasional sweet craving!

Scones with jam

Update on 30.11.08

I have provided a recipe that can be consumed in small portions to satisfy 'sweet hunger pangs', but please take this moderation. When you have a special condition, always check with your nutritionist what is right for you before trying out something new. Remember that sweets taken in large portions may cause problems even if the sweeteners are natural or artificial. There is always refined carbohydrates like APF or other flours in most desserts and sweets.


  1. Scones with that jam looks super delicious.

  2. Lovely and fantastic,I too made the same for BBD small breads by Aparna-jelly filled scones.I used flax seeds as I had no tofu.Then I also made savoury scones with tofu.

    PS: Nice to know,you are a late bloomer.Count me also,in the gang.I may not be sending the grapes recipe as I am not sure of the color-its very very light purple,but dark scarlet or I am colour blind.Most people may not even try that recipe,but it was and is delish unless you think I am crazy.If I get something I will surely send them over.

    Take care and remain indoors or wherever it is safe.

  3. This one looks so lovely. But can you tell, how I can make it without using an oven

  4. HC, Vibaas thanks:)

    Sweatha, I would love to try the savory version. As for safety, we started going out yesterday itself - how long can one stay at home! In fact I am going to Bandra today! The schools are closed today too, but offices are open.

    Sudeshna, I haven't tried them in cooker yet, but if you can make breads and cakes I suppose you should be able to do this too. I am not sure about the process though!

  5. They are very divine with jelly!

  6. It is indeed a treat! as you said diabetic people can take a brake now and then :) thanks for the entry dear...Just a note - I have not yet received the mail so if you could send it, it will be helpful for me in roundup!

  7. Cham, Deepthi, thanks:)

    Sangeeth, why is it that clicking on your name led me to Srilekha saying she hasn't received my mail? I haven't sent my mail but isn't that rather odd! Thanks all the same - I just sent you a mail!

  8. These scones look truly dreamy, Sunshinemom. I too remember my love for scones -and longing, since we didn't get them in bakeries in Bombay those days- beginning with books by British authors.

  9. Take care and take care,We should not succumb to these attacks and show them we are tough and not broken.But still,TAKE CARE

  10. Never tried tofu in scones,sounds very healthy,tempting pictures:)

  11. The scones look perfect. Thanks for reminding about Enid Blyton and Richmal crompton series. Back then I loved the way Enid Blyton describes the food in her books :)

  12. Scones looks perfect. The one with jam is mouthwatering.
    Truly appreciate ur effort to be vegan.

  13. Oh, those look great! And such a unique recipe too... Very different than the typical scone (vegan or not.) How creative!

  14. Your scones look very pretty! Yummy!



  15. These are lovely H...I love scones & jam & am suddenly hungry for some. YUM!!

  16. Mmmmm...those scones look delish, I can't wait to give them a try :)

  17. Been thinking a lot about you these last few days. I hope you and your family are out of arm's way and that you do not have loved ones in troubles. My parents just came back from India (Rajhastan) and they had a wonderful experience. Hugs dear. Thinking about you.

  18. One moment you take me to the world of elaborate teas, midnight pool parties ... the next you show me visions of the lanky Don. And what exactly does your Sancho have to say about that line? ;-)
    If you are a late bloomer ... I guess I should not give up hopes on baking ... what say? ;-)

  19. Vaish, same here:) The way Wooster dreamt of Chef Anatole's creations was another major booster in this direction!

    Sweatha, right said M'm, and we are taking care - just moving about like we did always:) Jo hona hai woh to hoke rahega!

    Yasmeen, Rosa, thanks:)

    Gita, the Enid Blyton and William reminder was a pleasure. I don't require a reminder though - I seem to dwell in the past!

    Hannah, Welcome:) Thanks too for the creativity part! As for the genuine taste of scones, I have never tasted so I guess it was easier for me to alter the recipe:)

    Deeba, come over and let's have some:)

    Helen, that means a lot to me! I am so glad your parents returned safe and did not have Mumbai as part of their tour! I feel terrible for innocent tourists and the images they will carry about India with themselves. Such a sad thing that innocent people lost their lives over some fanatic's screwed up thinking!

    Sharmila, your cooking is so good I am sure you just haven't tried your hand else you would have come up with the best dishes:)

  20. You may be a late bloomer, but you have bloomed beautifully.
    I really have no words to describe your creations here. Thy're absolutely great. And I love your posts.

    The world of books really opened up a whole new world in childhood. Wafer thin cucumber sandwiches at high tea, rock cakes, ginger ale, root beer, scones of course which seemd magical. :)

    My daughter discovered them too except she's better informed about things we used to dream about.

  21. Oh yeah, Enid Blyton days where I used to drool over all the food in the story!
    Scones are just real good.

  22. one look at these scones and my son with gape mouth uttered"did aunty made that in home"?"then why don't u?"
    He said we already have jam so u just need to make BISCUITS...lolz these kids i tell u........
    Hey btw since u mentioned cakes using pressure cooker,can u provide me some recipe of cakes using cooker or any link where i can get simple recipes involving use of cooker rather than OTG ?

  23. Dearie,I saw FIC: White in Kitchenflavours.Love it.I too would love to host a month of this either in jan or else from March 09 onwards.Aapke aashirwaad se.... Sunshine Ji

  24. hi,
    scones look good , and so what you started late in baking but it all are just so great creations..books always open our mind to the unknown world , and the things we only dream...
    even i am greatly influenced by you to get my OTG, is there a good one out there?
    hugs and smiles

  25. Yes I hope....many many yrs to for stopping by and for those lovely words. Love ur scone...not a big fan of tofu...but will give it a shot! :-p

  26. This scone looks sensational! I can see the light and flaky layers!This scone will not only tickle my tongue but will definitely "stump" it for its flavor!

  27. Scones with jam must be delicious. Thank you for sharing the recipe.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!