Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ashamed, angry and hurt

Terror started in Mumbai last night at about 9:00p.m.

We were unaware till 11:00p.m until my husband received an SMS about the chain of terrorist attacks. We spent the next hour watching television. There were reports of hand grenade low-intensive blasts, open firing at Colaba, The Taj Hotel, The Trident, Madame Cama Hospital, Metro Cinema, Capitol Cinema, Leopold Cafe apart from those at Vile Parle and SantaCruz. These are face of Mumbai, the pride of Mumbaikars because they form the character of the city.

I am ashamed, angry and hurt that faceless and nameless cowards always look for soft targets. This time they took away some of the really good officers of the police squad.

I am ashamed of the legacy we are leaving behind for our children. I am angry because there is not much I can do, and I am hurt because 80 people who were innocent were killed - each one leaves behind a grieving family.

At times like this, one has to draw strength from within, and move on with resilience and empathy.


  1. It is really sad to hear this news. Hope you are and your family are safe. Take care..

  2. I just came here right now after seeing the news. We were not aware of it since we are 2.5 hrs ahead of Indian time until this morning. My bro was on flight to Mumbai and he reached just now. We were so worried until we got a call from him. Then I remembered that you too are from Mumbai and came here to check if everything was fine with you. I hope you and your family is safe. Its such a horrible news! Please take care

  3. Harini..I have no words. Have been watching the news here since today afternoon. The acts are shameful and despicable. It's thanksgiving here tomorrow and it's extremely demoralizing to be looking at this right now. Stay safe and take care.

  4. i came to know only in the morning. Really frustrating how different terrorists groups are targeting India and killing innocent people.

  5. I haven't been able to stop watching that news on TV. For quite a few hours now, I've been glued to CNN-IBN, feeling horrified each time they show those videos.

  6. We are still watching the news abt the attacks.Since I thght u r from there,cam to checkout.Kindly Take care,its horrible.

  7. Harini - can't believe how senseless and crazy this all is. Have been watching the news and it still hasnt been under control. Its scary that something like this can happen. I hope you and your family are safe.

  8. yeah, this is a really sad incident. I feel so sorry for those innocent people who lost their lives. Such barbarous acts! Take care. Be safe dear!

  9. i got to knw it this morning thru your blog .. since we are away, we forgot to login N watch the news .. this is one shocking news .. Take care

  10. Came to know of the attacks only this morning.......feeling very bad and worried.........hope u all are doing good.........take care...

  11. It is terrible how lives can be taken so is scary to know that no one is safe...hope you and your family are well.

  12. I came to know about this incident in the morning. Fisrt thing i did was, sending a mail to you. After getting the reply i felt relaxed. Really a terrible thing. Incidents like this shatter many dreams, families and lifes...

  13. Thanks each one of you for your concern and wishes! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving but I realized we have a lot to thank people for! Thank you all!

  14. I am fine. Internet stopped working so haven't been able to get back. Its been a terrible terrible day :(

  15. Here too we were sticked to the news.
    Good to know that you all are safe.

  16. Glad to know you're alright. Bad times!

  17. I didn't know u re in Mumbai. From yest morn i am following closely the incident , just horror, blood, innocent people life taken away. Just shaking the world! Be safe and take care. God bless India!

  18. You have nothing for which to be ashamed. The people who perpetrated the actions should be ashamed for their cowardly way of attacking innocent people; police and civilians alike.

    I've just heard that a friend is staying at the Taj. I don't know how she is, and nobody has heard from her. She is a yoga teacher from Canada who went to a retreat.

    My thoughts and prayers are being sent to you and everybody in India right now.


  19. i really feel very hurt too. :-(

  20. been watching the news all day y'day - its really sad that some young people find terror the only way to get their point across. so did the boys get their point across? no! i dont think so. are we scared? I think I am more disgusted than scared.

    right now, good to know you're ok!

  21. I'm glad you and your family are safe and sound. We live in the suburbs so werent affected, though my office is bang next to the Taj. I am just grateful for the fact that all the staff were safely at home when this all began. I travel to VT everyday so it is scary. however, my colleagues have lost friends who went to the Taj on work. These are trying times and I request all my fellow bloggers to pray for all those who have lost their lives and for the others who are going through such mental trauma.

  22. My heartfelt prayers for all the innocent who lost their lives amidst the senseless heinous acts of terror,including my close friend's neighbor ,who died in the shoot out.
    Its a relief to know you are safe.Hope the people of Mumbai stay strong in these testing times.

  23. I really dont know how to react ...
    I am deeply hurt and may god give courage to victim's family to face this tragic.we have lost some precious lives here.
    we all are watching these, live on TV and feel kind of helpless...

    Its good to know you are safe and fine..
    hugs and smiles

  24. Harini .. glad to know you and your family is fine. We were away on a short trip and did not know till the next afternoon .. after that it was a tense few days. The lapse in security speaks for everything .. only the common man has to suffer everytime ... makes no sense at all.

  25. Thank you all for voicing your sentiments here!! I really feel sometimes we Indians are sitting on a timebomb waiting for a revolution to happen - bad administration, poor security, deteriorating infrastructure, mud-slinging politicians, growing disparity. How long???

  26. Its all we've been watching on Tv for the past 4 days. And I have no words to describe the desolation, sadness, frustration and anger that wells up in me when I see all this happening.
    Everybody has family and someone who loves them. What kind of people are these that think they're being noble and buying themselves a place in heaven by killing innocents without a qualm?
    These people have no religion but terrorism!
    And I have a feeling that we're yet to see more.
    Its time our politicians forget that they're here to govern and protect the citizens.
    Sorry for taking up the space.

  27. Echo your sentiments. "WE need to do something" ...but what frustrates me is "WHAT?"can we do? I am fed up with signing campaigns, ligthing candles and making donations - which may never reach the right pockets!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!