Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Handvo (Vegan) - A guest post!

Oven baked version 1

I am going over to a friend's house today with a homemade, spicy Indian cake - handvo. I met Xiaolu through flickr, through her incredible food photographs. Soon I realized that she is a treasure trove of varied talents and also an excellent baker with a liking for vegan bakes too! I am sure you will find her space as irresistible as I do. May I invite you all to join us at 6bittersweets for tea and handvo? You might need a napkin to stop the drool:).


  1. Thanks so much for being such an amazing and gracious guest, my dear! It's been a pleasure getting to know you via Flickr and I look forward to a long friendship to come =D.

  2. wow,awesome. Thanks for introducing another excellent blogger. One napkin won't be enough it seems,atleast for me. Love the handvo as well.

  3. Thanks for introducing a terrific blog...
    Handvo is a favorite at my place too.

  4. I shall the original post. This looks and sounds quite delicious!

  5. dropped in from 6bittersweets. LOVED your recipe and glad to find your blog. You have a beautiful space :) following you !!

  6. Xiaolu, I look forward to that too!

    Sweatha, Sangeeta, I am glad to be the one who did the intros:).

    Indie.Tea, thanks for visiting and leaving your thoughts:).

    Kankana, Welcome! Thanks for your lovely words:).

  7. a first timer at your blog, and absolutely loving the photographs! The one of the orange in the header is especially lovely! :)

  8. Hi Harini. I met Xiaolu recently and read your guest post. Shall check out the event. I also have an event going on with original vegan recipes if you would like to check it out.

  9. Jyothi, thank you:). I hope I do justice to your words in my furthe r posts too!

    Ivy, am a bit low but will participate when I recover:).


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!