Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baked baby carrots with herb toppings

Baked baby carrots
Baked carrots with mixed herb topping

You want an appetizer that is quick to make, does not call for too many ingredients and is healthy enough to have even when you are sick. What do you do?

I am just getting back from a bout of fever and could have made a stew, but my legs refuse to stand too long today, so the thought of chopping up vegetables, thawing the broth, picking herbs seems a long and tiresome process. I did not want my regular khichdi because my tongue wants something more flavourful. Then I remembered the baby carrots in the fridge. I had been meaning to make them sometime back but too many appetizers kept happening and the baby carrots did not find their way to the kitchen table.

So here is what I did. Not much of a recipe here. Just putting together a few ingredients and creating a flavour I like, colours that pop sparks of energy, even if temporarily. Yes, this is indeed comfort food as it is lively on the mind but soothing to the sight.

Dish: Baked baby carrots
Yield: Serves 2 but this was shared by 3

Baby carrots - We had about 20-25 nos.
Dried marjoram, thyme or any other herb you like
I used a packet of the oregano mixed herb that comes with pizza
Chlli flakes - 1tsp. or as per taste
Organic pink salt (saindhav namak) - To taste
Olive oil - 2 tsps.

Baked baby carrots
Baked carrots with mixed herb topping


Pre-heat oven at 220 deg. C.

Wash and dry carrots with a towel.

Line baking tray with a foil.

Drizzle olive oil.

Arrange carrots and sprinkle herbs, flakes and salt as per taste.

Toss lightly so that the oil and seasonings are evenly spread.

Bake in the center rack for about 20 minutes or till done. Do not let carrots shrivel or blacken. The colour should turn a shade or two brighter. Else you might end up with miniature carrots that might feed birds but not enough for human appetites!

Serve with vegan cream cheese if you have the patience or finish it up.

I had a tough time keeping a few for pictures! I could not take many as I am not really up to it yet!


Vary the toppings as per your wish.


  1. How tender and lovely those baby carrots look. Thanks for reminding about the Saindha nanamk..almost forgot about it.

    Lite Bite

  2. Roasted carrots are so delicious. I'm sorry that you've been ill. Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Loved the baby carrots with herbs. The photographs are just too good :)

  4. Looks so cute and nice idea of baking carrots

  5. Yum..this looks so gud ...have to try this ..

  6. Baked baby carrots looks delicious and healthy indeed..nice and easy recipe..thanks for sharing!

  7. Wow, those look so cute and yummy, love the presentation.

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  8. they look delicious .. N loved the toppings as well

  9. We think alike. I was thinking of cumin roasted carrots. The pics are to die for. Love it H .Can imagine the herbs working their magic on carrots. I do not need a dip or cream cheese. As such is fine

  10. Awesome pics...u have become pro yaar...love that herb flavored baby carrots....kutti and yum...

  11. This is an excellent dish and i know I will love it :) You take good care of yourself and get well soon !

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Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at sunshinemomsblog@gmail.com, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!