Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Announcing DMBLGIT - September 2010

Time flies so soon, I did not realize that my turn to host the most loved phtography event had already come but here it is and I welcome you all to send in your entries.

'Does My Blog Look Good In This' (DMBLGIT), conceived by Andrew of SpittoonExtra is a well attended and much awaited monthly food photography event that is open to all bloggers who have posted a photograph with a food or drink connection. Food bloggers submit their best photos from posts they completed during the previous month which are then judged and scored by a team of three handpicked judges. Winners are made covering three categories (edibility, aesthetics, and originality) plus three overall winners. The August edition was hosted by Jeanne of Cooksister. Congrats to the winners!

Here are the rules (Thanks, Jeanne!):
  • Only one food/drink photograph may be entered per person.
  • The photograph must have been taken by you.
  • The photograph must have been posted on your blog during August 2010.
  • The deadline to submit your entry is 25 September 2010 at midnight, Indian Standard Time.
  • A panel of judges will assess the quality of all of the entries before eventually selecting winners from the pictures. There will be winners in the following categories:
    • Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus, etc.
    • Edibility: Does the photo make us want to take a big bite out of our computer monitor while drooling on our keyboard?
    • Originality: a photo that makes you stop, look twice, and think "wow, I never thought of photographing it like that before!"
    • Overall Winner: the photograph that scores the highest when individual scores for Aesthetics, Edibility and Originality are added up.
    • Results will be announced on 1st October 2010.

How can you join in?

  • Draft an e-mail with DMBLGIT in the subject line.
  • Attach one qualifying food or drink photo, preferably 350 pixels in width.
  • Include the following:
    • Your name
    • Your blog URL
    • The title of the image/what it is
    • The URL of the post where the photo first appeared
    • The camera you used
    • Send an email with the above information to
    • Please note that by submitting a photo, entrants agree to their photo being redisplayed and altered in size on the host's page and on the SpittoonExtra DMBLGiT page.
    • I have created a gallery in Picasa where I will be adding your photos within 48hrs of submission. I will also acknowledge your email. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within 48hrs. please leave a message in the comment section of this post.

    If you would like to host an edition of DMBLGIT, please look up here for hosting instructions.


  1. I love the event never entered, maybe if i have a good pic.

  2. Hi Harini,
    How apropos that you should host an event like this. I have never participated so I have a question. Do I have to link your post to the entry post? Do you think my veggie stock pic, inspired by your stock pick, would be good enough for the event?

  3. Hi Harini,

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog.


  4. Interesting event. Will def send in some pics for this event. glad to follow you.

  5. Hi Harini!
    I send you a mail :-)


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!