Friday, March 19, 2010

Ullakazhangu Podimas ~ Potatoes rolled in coconut

Ullakazhangu podimas small
Urulaikazhangu Podimas - Potatoes rolled in coconut

I know this must be the umpteenth recipe featuring coconut or potato as the prime ingredient on this blog. I cannot shed off my Tambrahm influence even if I wanted to. Marriage to a Manglorean did not help much in weaning myself away from fresh coconut, in fact I think it has increased my love for these nuts all the more after discovering several more ways to use it in cooking. It is now a common feature that most people start avoiding coconuts after turning 40. There is some misconception that coconuts 'increase cholesterol'. Having witnessed several relatives from Mangalore and Kerala (both regional cuisines heavily use coconut oil and coconut meat) leading healthy and active lives well past 90 tells me there is something wrong with that assumption. I use plenty of fresh coconut as garnish and believe that it has several health benefits. (Here is a link for skeptics).

Most of you, if you have been to a Tamilian household must have savoured this everyday dish. It is an easy recipe and if you have just begun cooking Indian food this one should appeal as it is tasty and does not call for any 'not-easily-available' Indian spices either.

These are my first pictures with my new 'nifty-fifty' and it is keeping me click-happy these days!

Dish: Ullakazhangu podimas (Potatoes rolled in coconut)
Yield: Serves 3 good eaters
Category: Quick Vegan Indian side dishes

5 medium sized potatoes (Use any variety that is good for baking)
1/3 cup - Fresh grated coconut
1 sprig - Curry leaves
1/2 tsp. - Whole black Mustard seeds
1/2 tsp. - Split Bengal gram or Split black gram
1 green chilli (more if you like spicy food)
Salt to taste
1 tbsp. coconut oil (No other oil please!)

Urulaikazhangu Podimas

Pressure cook washed, cleaned and halved potatoes upto three whistles. Let pressure go down naturally. Peel. You may either use a sharp ladle and cut up the potatoes roughly into bite sized pieces or chop uniformly. I use a slotted ladle that I will later use to roast the potatoes for some rough chunky chopping.
Heat oil in a wide wok. When hot, season with mustard seeds, add grams and curry leaves.
Let the dals turn pink (about 1/2 a minute) and add the potatoes. Mix well and let the potatoes roast well in slow fire.
I like to let some potatoes go slightly brown and stick to the wok. Will tell you later why!
Mince the green chilly with some coconut in a mortar. Add this and the rest of the coconut to the potatoes.
Stir so that the potatoes are evenly coated with the coconut.
Empty into a serving bowl. Serve with rice and rasam/sambar/kadhi or just with curd rice. (Please click on highlighted words for the recipes)

Scrape the potatoes stuck to the wok and eat. It tastes wonderful!

Another way to have them - Ullukazhangu Roast.


  1. this is a fave at home, especially love the crunch of the coconut :)

  2. This is a common in my maternal grandmom's kitchen.For some reason my mom did not make it quite often.I will try ur version.

  3. Delicious recipe!! Love potatoes anytime!!

  4. Potatoes and fresh coconut are both my favs. And I too love to scrape off the slightly burnt sides. Will love this ... but no other oil? Can't I just sneak in a wee little peanut oil? :-(

  5. I can almost imagine how this would taste like!yummy!

  6. this with some spicy vatha kuzhambu or sambar... awesome - love the serving dish!

    - Indhu (

  7. I knew this one would be a fave at most homes:).
    Sharmila, coconut oil gives it the Kerala touch! Most Tamilians prefer other oils but nothing can match coconut oil in Kerala cooking.

  8. Urulakizhangu podimas and vengaya sambhar is a great combo. As you said, coconut oil lents a special flavor to the dish.

  9. Looks good, I will give it a try!

  10. Oh God...urulaikizhangu podimas...slurp...and you have made it EXACTLY how we make it at home..And I love it with vengaya sambar...on sundays!!! rolled in with coconut oil...glemaing on the curry leaves...

  11. This is such a delicious side dish!!! Beautiful clicks dear:)

  12. We love potatoes both in this avatar and int he form of a spicy roast.

  13. This is one of my favorite and my mom makes this often. Love the concoction of tempered potatoes and coconut flakes.

  14. Lovely dish..Can't say no to anything that has coconut in it, how could I , being a clicks too :-)

  15. I am loving your clicks. They are really phenomenal. Great going.

  16. amma used to make this often. I did not know how to make it till a few months ago. It is the best, no?

    As a side note, I should not be reading food blogs at 4 am. *leaves to fix a big hulking snack*

    PS: the captcha is "annamm" :D


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!