Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gaajar ka halwa - II

Vegan low fat carrot halwa

I had to post this one before the stroke of midnight because as I wanted this to go to FIC - Orange hosted by Aparna. Not because the event was started here but because she is a dear friend and I wanted a sweet to go to her!

Today was a very hectic day starting with a sudden spring cleaning mood that overtook me (I am afraid I am even worse than Monica sometimes!), followed by a hurried breakfast and shooting off to the school to attend the 'Open Day' - a day to showcase the projects and other activities the children have performed during the year, and of course a tete-a-tete with their respective teachers. Unlike my Father who always came to my school with the feeling "what has she been upto now?" (maybe 'dejavu' is the right word), I had no such fear as I have been at that end too! However, I received some very pleasant news about them and Jr.P's teacher was totally 'fida' (another expression I like here would be 'lattu') over him. When I conveyed the news to my parents.....Dad was like, "Yeah!! After all he is my grandson, and thank God for such lovely children." I am sure there was an addendum there that did not quite make it - "She is so lucky they don't take after her when it comes to naughtiness."

By the time we were back home it was time for a quick pasta lunch and then the day just seemed to fly past. I re-read a delish recipe and drooled over the picture when a couple of good friends dropped in, and we had a hearty 'chailess-time' (as none of has had tea) laced with good healthy gossip after a long time about our expanding waistlines, shrinking clothes, kids these days, books, the advent of organic and mutant food etc.... It was a while after they had gone that I realized that the sun was setting and I had missed my precious afternoon nap! Not really missed it as good company is quite an anti-dote to daily routine 'madness'.

I was able to catch a few moments shuteye on the sofa before the pleasure was broken with the shrill ringing of the bell and my son who had gone out to play. Kids have enormous boundless energy and he insisted that I play scrabble with him 'at least once a week'. I just could not refuse as I know he is getting really good at it and just needs me to ensure that he is good!! After half an hour he was leading by 10 points and was jubilant as this is the second time in a row that this has happened:), and it was time for me to cook dinner. I somehow talked out of continuing the game tomorrow!! ..........And so, Aparna - I am really sorry to get this to you so late!!!! (15minutes still to go)

Last time I had posted Carrot Halwa I had used vegetable shortening (vanaspati), something I rarely use for many of the reasons listed here. When Bharti commented about the vanaspati not being a good thing, she did me a favor because sometimes we need people to push us to come up with better alternatives, and the recipe today is thanks to her!!

Today's carrot halwa is a low calorie, nutritious recipe. I had mixed reactions but I did not expect much as in India though most people are not meat eaters, the idea of having a sweet without ghee or milk is unthinkable for most! My family has got used to me trying out new things and they always welcome my efforts but I am afraid M Aunty was not happy with the compromise. Look here and you will know why!! K was all for it as she too is avoiding excessive fats these days. This time I replaced the shortening with 4tbsp. of 'Carotino' oil for nearly 450gms of grated carrots, so this one is really low cal and healthy. I also tried it again with a little more oil but we could all detect the characteristic smell of carotino so I guess 4 is max!!

450g - Grated carrots (large eyed grater)
4tbsp - Carotino oil/Sunflower/Any other natural oil with little or no flavor (Not olive oil/Coconut) - You could use soymargarine or vegan butter but we this is not available in the area where I stay!
Soymilk - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup (Or more as per taste - remember that carrots reduce to half)
Cashews (Optional) - I did not use.

Heat the oil. Add the grated carrots and keep cooking till done. When you feel the oil is getting really less add 1/2 cup sugar and soymilk.

Carrot halwa preparation

Cook till absorbed and the mixture comes together as shown below:

Preparation of vegan low fat carrot halwa

Serve with a garnish of slivered pistachios, almonds or cashews and ice cream. Carrot halwa goes well with ice cream.

If you are vegan already you will like it very much, but if you are not....well I don't really know!! How would I? Maybe you should try!! A teaspoon of butter before removing from fire should definitely be good!

Event Submissions:
This goes to Aparna who is guest hosting FIC for me this time. It had to be a carrot after all!!


  1. Carrot halwa with soymilk looks yummy, very nice entry..

  2. Hey,you r tempting me at this time of the nght.Iwas about to shut down ,then up popped this one-that too low calorie.I think vegan or non vegan this is everybody's favourite.Love the way your day turned up.Here its work work work (read that cleaning up) for me.Thanks to Power Gods,mornings are powerless,noon is hot,evenings are for mosquitoes and nights are for browsing

  3. do you mind if i finish the entire bowl.. haha... looks awesome and i really want to have it right now!

  4. Yes, carrot halwa and ice cream are good combos. A real low-cal carrot halwa. Nice.

  5. very pretty :)
    love the colour of the halwa and the bowl in which you served it...

  6. That indeed is orange! & love your part II of the halwa recipe.. woy milk & the vanaspati substitute is good & healthy:-)

  7. Thanks all!

    Sweatha, you must buy the electric musquito batter. It is the only way though I feel cruel wielding it but then you also have the 'dugna fayada' of training for Tennis!!

    Mahimaa, most welcome dear:)

  8. Hi,
    I'm new to blogging and my blog is just a month
    I happened to come across your pages and absolutely loved it.
    keep going. You inspire me:)

  9. Milk/ghee/vanaspati/whatever ... ki fark painda ... after all we don't have gajar ka halwa everyday ... what say Harini? As long as it is fresh gajar and sweet ... halwa is most welcome.:-)And your first snap will make anybody forget anything and just open their mouth for a biteful. :-)

  10. Slurp !! Looks Awesome..Great click too.

  11. carrot and sugar alone taste so good together I'm sure vegan or not ..this is absolutely yummy! lovely photos.

  12. oohh that looks so tastey hummm that too with low calore yum yum

  13. Fun to read about how you went about your day..
    Loved the halwa and the wonderful clicks..especially the first one..does it taste any different with soymilk? That was an interesting ingredient must say..
    he he he I agree with you regarding the electric mosquito of the best inventions by man in recent times..

  14. My absolute favourite. i made a batch with evaporated low fat milk. the addition of soy milk makes it healthier!

  15. lovely colour,.;-) nd nice recipe,..

  16. 'Nutrilite'... which is not hydrogenated fat would be a good substitute for vanaspati/butter.Am sure you would get in Mumbai's super markets.

  17. Wow, love that first pic, so tempting! Craving for it early morning.

  18. ghee, thats tempting:)...beautiful colour, halwa looks awesome...

  19. This is wonderful,Soymillk in carrot halwa....never thot abt it.Super dish:)

  20. Sounds very healthy and delicious.

  21. LOL @ it had to be carrot :D

    Great pics, H! :)

  22. Carrot halwa is one of my favourite desserts! Looks lovely Harini!

  23. That photo looks so tempting.with bright color ..My fav sweet. Adding soy milk makes it even more healthy

  24. U were battling around the clock! Great pict, lovely color!

  25. looks yummy..I had to miss FIC orange this time :( The first and last pic is too tempting

  26. Nice recipe! I used to make carrot halwa with soft silken tofu and soaked carrots used to taste soo good. I have not made it in long time.

    but now i will make it with your recipe as its more easier.

  27. What a lovely,tempting color. Nice click.

  28. lovely color and tempting me to take that full bowl for me right now...

  29. I believe this carrot halwa just made the deadline.:)Thanks.
    But I nunderstand. I just had one fo those days of running around doing "hazaar" things!! Still have the "spring" cleaning to do.:)
    Btw, I think a bit of coconut oil might taste nice here because I make a carrot-coconut burfi that tastes delish and is very low on ghee.

  30. One of our favorite desserts of all time. The last picture looks beautiful.

  31. Wow...nice tempting recipe. I'm craving some right now. I use ghee instead of oil. I know it's not quite healthy, but it tastes yum !

  32. Carrot halwa looks lovely ! loved the healthier substitutes in that too :-)

  33. I love the deep, beautiful colour of the halwa.

  34. yummy! this looks like an quick and delicious recipe. i like the picture of the spoon :)

  35. With SoyMilk and no ghee either, that is neat. For the fear of all that ghee and mawa that should go into it I usually avoid making this fave halwa

  36. lovely!I too make gajar ka halwa using oil and yes, with a hint of butter.

  37. This is the best dessert..I can stop drooling Harini..So yum..I love it so much.:)

  38. What a tasty tummy and yummy treat! I too posted halwa in Just take a look.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!