Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Recipe feature for Dawn ~ Coconut Milk Pudding

Coconut milk pudding with candied dried fruits
Coconut Milk Pudding with candied dried fruits

The dessert feature I did for Dawn this time is inspired from the traditional Thai sticky rice pudding - Khao niaow ma muang. Not only is this as delicious as kheer but also less calorific then a regular pudding. It is traditionally vegan, gluten free and egg free.

Could not resist using Jr.P's gift again! To read the full feature and recipe please visit Dawn.


  1. Classic picture and yumm pudding

  2. Yum, I love kheer though never tried making with coconut milk..looks delicious and yummy! Great recipe!

  3. Lovely recipe and picture; but most of all, lovely board! My mum makes a rice kheer with coconut milk and jaggery--this reminds me of that. Small childhood memories and pure happiness :)

  4. Saee, I too make the jaggery and coconut milk kheer (vella payasam) as it is a traditional 'prasad' at home. But this is definitely different. I guess jaggery has a strong flavour that can sometimes overwhelm a dish if not used properly. Sugar on the other hand being a refined product lacks flavour as well as the sweetness of jaggery. That said, I like both for their differences:).

  5. have bookarked this recipe..sounds so delicious..

  6. awesome!

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