Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Article in Dawn blog - Cabbage and peanut salad

As some of you know I have been writing a while for Pakistani Daily, Dawn's blog for sometime now. This time I chose to toss a salad. Do go over the link and check out the recipe for a quick, healthy and tempting salad, and let me know how you like your salads. I am rather partial to the Indo-Italian fusion!

Cabbage, thyme and peanut salad, with ideas and variations

Cabbage, thyme and peanut salad

Earlier posts for Dawn
Light and fluffy, from an earlier post on this blog
Lasting impressions, with recipe for "Thyme mushrooms"
A love for all things creamy, with recipe for "Vegan Pumpkin Soup"


  1. Beautiful click, as usual. One of my favorite salads is a cabbage and carrot salad with a Maharashtrian dressing of dried, stuffed chillies fried in oil and crushed over the salad with a squirt of lemon. Your salad reminded me of that. :)

  2. sure will check,..;-)
    salad looks yum

  3. I love my salads in every possible form ... should be crunchy though ...and multi textured is heaven for me.

    Read you posts there and loved them too. Great work !!!

  4. Looks scrummy. Love a crunchy salad.

  5. wow, that sure looks delicious and healthy :)

  6. A healthy and crunchy salad. Just yummy!!!

  7. Thats a crunchy salad for the sure..lovely..

  8. lovely looking salad and nice click !

  9. Thanks all!

    Saee, I haven't tasted that one yet. Is it your family recipe? Do the dried stuffed chillies mean the ones that are dipped in thin yogurt and then put out in the sun?

  10. Thanks a lot visiting my blog. U have a nice space with amazing recipes which are nicely captured.
    Very different and yummy salad.

  11. The salad looks so refreshing with good mix of color. Like the dressing too.

    Happy 2011 to you!

    Lite Bite

  12. Well, your salad looks lovely even to non-salad person like me. I like pasta salads, though. :)

    Season's greetings and best wishes for a very happy new year to you all.

  13. Happy Happy New Year Harini. Lots of warm wishes going your way for you and your family.


  14. Sanjeeta, Aparna, Soma! Thank you very much and wish you and your families the very best for the year!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!