Friday, October 01, 2010

The Winners - DMBLGIT, Sept., 2010

It's time to announce the winners of the longest running and favourite photography event amongst food bloggers - DMBLGIT. Many food bloggers use professional cameras for food photography these days and as expected this month too saw some extremely stunning pictures. Choosing the top three is certainly a tough thing to do, so I invited over a talented team of three photographer/food bloggers. Let me introduce them to you and do hop over and see their work.

I met Thorsten on flickr. Thorsten Kraska is based in Bonn, Germany and shares his photgoraphy on flickr as well as his personal website. He started a group on flickr called the food photography club and offers constructive criticism on some of the pictures too. He also writes a food blog called My2Penn'orth. I have tried a couple of recipes and can vouch for their goodness too! Go over and drool.

Veronica is based in Switzerland and another wonderful photographer and friend whom I met through flickr! She blogs at Edes es Keseru. She experiments with natural settings and shadows and cooks great food too. Again, I speak from experience as I have tried out her recipe as well. Check her out, please.

Karen Low is a baking/cooking blogger from Sydney, Australia who loves desserts and classic recipes. She loves photography and admits that she enjoys doing 'food porn' :). She is a three times winner of DMBLGIT herself and blogs at Citrus and Candy. Her pictures will make you fall in love with cooking!

Do you hear trumpets blowing? That is because the winners of the September 2010 edition are just being rolled out! CONGRATULATIONS, super six! I will be sending you your badges very soon. Do adorn your blogs with them.


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"Bake in Paris - Baked Alaska" by Kris Ngoei of "Bake in Paris"
Camera - Canon Eos 1000D

Strong points - Lovely food styling, great lighting, well designed setting.


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"Blueberry Maple Pecan Cinnamon Buns" by Kevin Lynch of "Closet Cooking"
Camera - Canon 5D

Strong points - Good lighting and use of selective focus, good representation of the food, great clarity making a judge want to eat it all up!


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"Mixed Berries and White Chocolate Cake" by Sabine of "Berry Lovely"
Camera - Nikon D200

Strong points - Beautiful colours and lighting, excellent styling.


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"Zand Gebak" by Erica Lea of "Cooking For Seven"
Camera - Nikon D80


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"Vegetable Chow Mein" by Sunitha Mathew of "Collaborative Curry"
Camera - Canon Rebel XSi


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"Blueberries" by Amelia Schaffner of "Z Tasty Life"
Camera - Canon Rebel xti, 60mm macro


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"Preserved Lemons" by Snjezana of "Dalmacija Down Under"
Camera - Canon Eos 450d
I liked it very much because picture shows the food well, is styled well and uses lovely colours apart from the fact that it makes me want to preserve lemons, which I have never done before!

Thanks to all the participants. Please keep clicking and participating. The next edition will be hosted by Lynnylu of Cafe Lynnylu. Watch out for her announcement soon.

Please note that none of these pictures are mine and each of the persons mentioned above holds copyright to their pictures. This blog is vegan and the author does not use any dairy, egg or meat in recipes. These pictures have been shown here to honour the winners of 'does my blog look good in it', a monthly food photography contest only - Sunshinemom


  1. Congratulations to all the winners!
    Harini, Thank you soooo much for choosing my pic for the host's pic category winner. Best birthday present ever!:)))))

  2. Hey, that is such a sweet coincidence! I am so glad to have been able to be the person to give that nicest gift:).

  3. Congratulations to all of the winners! well deserved!

  4. Congrats to all the winnres. It was a pleasure for me to go through all the photos. I found some great new blogs through this event and great photographs

  5. Congrats to all the winners!

  6. COngratulations to all the winners. The pictures are gorgeous.

  7. Congrats to all the winners! All very well deserved. Thanks again for letting me judge, I had a ball. :)

  8. Wow, great news, two in a row. Thank you so much for choosing my image and congratulations to all the other winners. All images are inspiring.

  9. Thanks Harini and thanks to all the judges! This is so cool :-) Really appreciate it..

    Sawadee from Bangkok,

  10. Thanks everyone for coming up here and congratulating the winners. It has been a pleasure for me as well to have hosted!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!