Monday, July 05, 2010

Palak Shorba ~ Spinach Soup - II

Palak shorba ~ Vegan Spinach Soup
Vegan Spinach Soup

I have made a spinach soup and posted it too, long back. This is a milder, quicker version. Quicker because I have vegan stock in my freezer all the time and I make sure I have at least a glass of coconut milk stocked in my fridge every other day. All I need to do then, is mix them in with pureed spinach and a tasty soup is all set to be drunk. Yes drunk, not sipped like soup. It is easier to serve my children in a steel tumbler as it reduces the risk of getting spilt and saves me from cleaning up afterwards. Oh yes! A mom needs to think all this if she has to get to work in time or maintain a calm state of mind after returning from work.

The recipe is almost the same as the pumpkin soup, made about the same time too.

Dish : Vegan Spinach Soup
More is less so be your own judge.
(I hope you will fall short and wish that you made more. Shameless I know, but I hope you will want more of my recipes and I am not going to shy away from admitting that!)

Vegan soup stock - 1 cup
First thick extract of coconut milk - 1 cup
Spinach - 1 big bunch (Picked and rinsed well in many changes of water till it runs clear)
Water - 1/2 cup
Salt and pepper as per taste
Coconut cream (optional)


Heat water to boiling and immerse the spinach leaves without stalks. Cover for a few minutes till the leaves wilt. About five minutes at the most.

Cool and puree using a blender along with the water. Add the coconut milk and stock.

Warm the soup stirring all the while. Adjust salt as per taste.

I serve pepper separately. You may garnish the soup with a drizzle of coconut cream or olive oil. I never pair coconut milk and garlic in the same dish. For me, the flavours clash but again, that's me. If you are fine with that you could add a pod of roasted garlic while blending or a throw in some roasted flakes later.

I like one or two slivers of roasted almond floating around. It is a surprise element in my soups.

Vegan Spinach Soup

If you find the soup thick you could always dilute with a mix of stock and milk in equal proportions.

Serving suggestions:
Any bread would pair well with a soup. Please look up my recipe list to make a choice. I end up drinking my soup even before I take a bite of bread sticks or whatever, unless it is really hot and I like my soup just warm except when its Winter.

And yes, I am chatty. I could go on 'bout how and why I like things in a particular way but you would scroll so I won't do that!

Today was a good day. An unexpected holiday, well spent.

P.S: For more delicious soup recipes click here.


  1. Healthy and tasty soup...perfect for this weather

  2. Love the beautiful color of that soup, there is a soup event in the weekly event on my blog, check the details and send this one for that :)

  3. Coconut milk and spinach, now that sounds a nice combo, i love mildly flavored soups and this is just perfect for me!

  4. This is a nice soup. I have never used coconut milk in spinach soup before. I'm sure it tasted great.

    Like you also like to serve soups is cups instead of bowls.

  5. Seeing your vegan soups, I am liking the idea of coconut milk in soups...

  6. Looks so perfect...bookmarked it dear..

  7. Luv the vegan version of palak shorba ... will try it now:)

  8. soup looks soo good.. slurrrrrrpppp!!!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!