Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Vegan Kitchen Basics ~ Home made Coconut Cream and Coconut Butter

Coconut butter
Dense coconut butter without extracting cream

Like most people who adopted a vegan lifestyle later in life, I too had my apprehensions. I am not a glutton but being a Palakkad Iyer (a community that uses milk and curd in generous measures), a good eater and having cultivated love for good food thanks to a Mother who herself is quite a gourmet cook, I wondered whether I would be able to survive without milk or milk products. It was quite easy turning 'eggless' which I did three years before I turned vegan because even otherwise egg was something I had adopted after marriage and it is still a banned item in my maternal home.

Another thing that nagged me was whether I would be able to do justice to the three other people in our family (P, Jr.P and Jr.H). They were used to getting desserts, cakes and paneer (cottage cheese) at home at least twice a week and here I was walking the vegan march! It took many failures before I could get the hang of perfect vegan cakes. Eggs in cakes are very forgiving and even if you beat more than the recipe demands you still have a good texture and taste. Eggless was OK too, milk and cream make up for lack of egg. But with vegan cakes one has to be careful about 'how much' and 'how long' the batter needs to be beat. Too much will make it dense, too less will make it powdery.

Like I said earlier, I am a good eater. I persisted and practised often - at least twice a week - to make sure I did not miss out on cakes, breads, desserts or drinks! P was amused and the children? Well, they were pleased as 'vegan punch'!

In the beginning I stuck to flax seeds to replace eggs and then I turned to soy milk. I was not happy with both the alternatives as I could not successfully preserve them when made at home. Towards the end of last year I warily tried using coconut oil to bake and felt great. Coconut oil has more fat than the other oil which helps in giving a good texture, it does not leave a smell and is always available in my kitchen (South Indians cannot do without coconut oil!).

I mustered courage and tried using canned coconut milk and coconut cream in baking and found my Mecca but I wasn't happy using store bought products. I like making things from scratch so it was natural to make these things at home. Ok! It is also because it is P who buys, grates and extracts coconut milk:D.

Homemade coconut milk and cream are far better than store brought. The pictures are proof. It takes all my will power to stop myself from slurping them up.

When I posted a picture of the coconut butter in facebook, Manish Jain, requested me to post it in the group, "Indian Vegan". I thought it would be a better idea to just post it here because I want it to be available to others as well. Had it not been for that nudge, I might not have made this a post at all, simply because it did not occur to me that it qualifies to be posted!!

Hope you enjoy the benefits of this preparation as much as we do.

Pssst... - Try getting someone to do the grating and the pressing! It helps IMMENSELY.

Recipe: Making Raw Vegan Home made Coconut Cream and Coconut Butter
Time: P says it takes about 30 minutes which includes grating and pressing.
Yield: One medium sized coconut will yield thick coconut cream - 3/4 cup and milk - 2 cups

Coconut that is mature (heavy, meaty coconut) - 1, grated
Tap water - 2 cups

A grater
Cheese cloth or soup strainer


Grate the coconut discarding the brown inner layer. The yield will be approximately 4 cups, loosely packed.

For the cream, gather the gratings and crushing with your fingers, like how you knead dough. The milk will start oozing. Now express the thick milk without adding any water, one fistful at a time into other cup. Refrigerate the milk for at least four hours. The product you get will be thick and creamy and the bonus is that it will taste like heaven!

Thick coconut cream

To the residue that is left, add a cup of tap water or warm water, if you like, and repeat the same procedure. The milk so expressed will be thinner. Do not mix it with the milk that was expressed without water. Repeat with another cup of water. The second and third extract can be mixed. Refrigerate for two days so that fat rises to the top and hardens. Two days is needed to harden the fat. This forms the butter.

Coconut butter yielded after separating cream

If you add water, the milk will not yield cream. The cream can be used in the same way as milk cream and will yield the same results.

If you do not want cream skip the first step and proceed for the second extract directly but with only one cup of water. The butter will be richer (See the first picture).

The butter (rich one as well the other) is great for baking but is not the same as butter from milk. It will not be good for puff pastries though it works well for cookies and cakes.

I use the second extract in making soups, apart from traditional Indian and Thai dishes. It yields a mild sweetness and lovely flavour to any soup when used in combination with stock.

I will share the recipe for the cold fruit soup I made with this in my next post.

If you like this post, found it useful or would like to give some constructive suggestions please leave your views in the form of a comment. Keeps me happy to know there is a human mind that appreciates the time taken for blogging and taking pictures.

Do not freeze the cream!

This post goes to Jaya Wagle of Desi Soccer Mom for her event "Back to basics"


  1. You are innovative. Coconut is ultimate fruit.

    Keep it up.


  2. Hello, That was a wonderful and a very informative post. Only thought that one could make coconut milk. Great Work.

  3. wow! I never knew how coconut butter was made. This is so new to me. Thanks for the lovely pics and detailed description. Waiting for fruit soup- post from you.

  4. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog through the link from facebook. I turned a vegan recently. I can relate to your post so well. And, your recipe for coconut butter and cream looks too good for words :-)! Going to try it soon. Thanks a ton!

  5. Thank you Manish, for telling me to do this post. Reading Indrani's comment made me feel good that you gave that nudge.

  6. Sumithra, welcome to vegan adventures. I hope my recipes will have you visiting TT again:). Do try and let me know what you made with it too!

    Preeti, we gobbled the fruit soup today at such a pace that I had to hide a little for P before the kids drained the vessel:). I will have it up soon.

  7. I always had an academic interest (read: will not make :)) in coconut cream and butter as I've never seen them, even in packs, here. Thanks for this - it was interesting. My coconut milk, if I use it at all, comes out of packs. I can already imagine the shoulder pains arising from squeezing the coconut.

  8. Who would have thought making coconut butter at home was doable! Thanks a ton!

  9. dear, that is one tempting looking coconut cream and butter. I have only recently started cooking with coconut milk and haven't yet tasted the other 2. At this point, I cannot imagine being a vegan (I am a vegetarian with egg allowed only in my baking, and not otherwise). So, I am guessing it is tougher specially outside your home. But, hats off to all the process you did, lovely.

  10. All I knew was to extract coconut milk. Thanks a ton for sharing the making of coconut cream.
    Though squeezing the milk out sounds like hard work, I will try making atleast once.

  11. Sra, he he:) I am glad that a post of mine was of academic value! BTW, it is the wrist that undergoes some exercise. I imagining the shoulders doing some work but the image turns hilarious!

    My pleasure, Anu.

    Priya, thanks! It is not all that difficult these days as I don't eat out very frequently and good places generally cater to individual requests!

    Jaysree, do try it. It is soooo tasty! Believe me, much better than real butter to eat plain:).

  12. Very nice and informative post Harini. I have made coconut milk in the past but never coconut cream.
    I have to bake using this soon.

  13. Just a gud post with awesome pics...looks so gud...let me if I have courage to try this :)

  14. Eye opening post..didn't know that such things existed for eating:)

  15. That is a very informative and detailed post Harini. And hats off to you for all that patience in extracting the milk. Thank you for the lovely entry.

    My aunt had taught me how to extract cream from coconut to make kokum saar. Here's one tip I remember: to use warm water while extracting. It helps the coconut release the oils/ fat easily.

  16. These are great! I have the intentions of trying this, hahaha! I know it will be amazing compared to the canned stuff I always use! Lots of work but I know it will be so well worth it :)


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at sunshinemomsblog@gmail.com, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!