Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bulgar Wheat and Almond Porridge

Bulgar Wheat and Almond Porridge
Instant Bulgar Wheat And Almond Porridge

When they woke up and stood next to me, Jr.H looked out and said, 'It's raining CATS AND DOGS!'.

"No, HIPPOS AND RHINOS!" I said. I had coined this phrase when I was Jr.P's age. At that age the droplets during a heavy rain seemed larger than my size to me - the present scenario I leave to my readers' imaginations! The phrase 'cats and dogs' did not do justice to the sight of a downpour, hence 'hippos and rhinos'.

'Ha' was all the son said.

'Ha?' I asked facing him and giving him my 'how dare you 'ha' your ma look'. Obviously the look has lost its edge, he looked at me right in the eye and said, 'It is raining 'ANKYLOSAURUS and APATOSAURUS'!!

I laughed a meaningful mean laugh (the kind some people call a hyena's laugh for if you have heard a hyena it emits funny sounds that are high pitched and uneven but please - they are not laughing!) and said, 'Ha.... ha...' (The same tone as his 'ha').

"If you can say 'H and R' why can I not say 'A and A'," he asked, thinking I was smug. (intials used as the phrases are too long!) "Mine sounds better," I said. "Mine," he said looking defiant.

I was smug - in a way! There, I had passed on a little bit of 'me' to my son. We are both illogically logical. I wiped tears of joy and said later, "I am proud of you, my son!", and hugged him:) - Oh yes! I am filmy:). I know I have something to retort when he grows up to be a teen and comments on my 'logic'.

But that was after Jr.H stepped in as arbitrator and suggested 'hippos and dinos' - the new term for the new generation!

The long and short of the anecdote is that I escaped getting caught in the rain as I did not go to work during the last two days. I was home to welcome the children when they returned from school and served them warm and tasty bowls of Bulgar Wheat And Almond Porridge. It does wonders to their faces (brings on the upward curve - smile) and their health. I found this in the tupperware pamphlet M Aunty gave me sometime back. It is an ideal babyfood too - quick, tasty and nourishing. Try it.

Dish: Instant Bulgar Wheat And Almond Porridge
(Adapted from 'Tupperware's January 2009 pamphlet')
Serves: 1 hungry child

Roasted bulgar (also known as broken wheat, lapsi or dalia) - 2tbsp.
Almonds (Badam - I use mamra badam) - 4 or 5 (Split into two, chop fine and roast till pink)
Jaggery (Gud - I use organic gud) - 1 tbsp. or more powdered
Banana (I use elaichi kela and it is small but has a very strong cardamom flavour) - 1 mashed
Milk (I use rice milk flavoured with vanilla stick and ground with 4 soaked cashews) - 1.5 cups

Powder the toasted dalia and almonds together to a coarse, grainy mixture in a wok. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 5-7minutes till soft. Serve warm. It makes a good breakfast as well as energizing evening meal.

I roast 1/2 kilo of bulgar wheat till it releases a characteristic nutty flavour. Cool and powder it along with 20 roasted and chopped almonds and store this coarse powder. When I need to make the porridge I simply take the amount of powder required (usually 3-4tbsp. is enough for both). This way the porridge becomes an instant one and gets done under 10minutes.

Usually it is Jr.H who makes the porridge after getting back home. She does not mind making this as it is easy and both like it very much. Jr.H uses milk and sugar without vanilla flavouring. My son adds a tsp. of raisins to his bowl.

Bulgar Wheat and Almond Porridge
Instant Bulgar Wheat And Almond Porridge

A word:
Thanks to all those who invited me to open a facebook profile. I discovered some precious friends there whom I haven't met in ages!:).

P.S: Did anyone see H.P and the H.B.P? How is it?


Babaghanoush - Italian Arabian way to make roasted eggplant, aubergine or brinjal (Thanks Ivy, for correcting me)

I tried babaghanous from David Lebovitz's blog and it tastes great. The only change I made was roasting the eggplant over my gas stove as I do for 'baingan ka bharta'.

Eggplant skinned for babaghanoush

I also could not resist adding just two cashews along with the tahini paste! Babaghanoush is the Arabian cousin to our own bharta.


Gentle nudge:
Please remember that I am hosting MLLA-13 this month and am looking forward to a good spread at the end of the month. Do send me your entries soon. If you haven't yet been there do check out Kamalika's tasty round up of FIC-delectable combinations, and don't forget to match your food and your mood with Nithya on FIC-Express your mood!


  1. I love the porridge shots! and I love Bananas in porridge!

  2. What a lovely recipe with bulgar wheat. I've never tried any sweet recipes with bulgar. I think that Babaghanoush is an Arab dish.

  3. That dalia looks great in that leafy dona Harini! Since am not too fond of anything sweet I make dalia upma. :-)

  4. Healthy kanjee is delicious too. Enjoyed reading ur rhyming session.

  5. Dalia porridge - sounds perfect for a rainy day! Its raining amoebas and viruses this part of the world!!

  6. Hey! I made this for breakfast today and was so impressed that I made a dabba-ful to keep in the office drawer. Yum yum yum!

    Btw, are you based in Thane?

  7. Yummy healthy and delicious.I prefer 'hippos and rhinos' than A&A.Well you bribe hm with this porridge and Jr P will surely say H & R.
    "HBP"? I did not get me,These days age is making its impact it seems.I am becoming lazier and lazier and blaming it on the climate.
    Expect my entry today am posting one now.

  8. Yummy and addictive porridge. As usual a superb click.

  9. I make a salt porridge (kanji) regularly with buttermilk, cumin/pepper powder, hing and salt. The same with oats too. Actual oats kanji is my husband's breakfast everyday for the past 4 years.

    One more thing Harini, actually bulgur and cracked/broken wheat are not the same, though it is used interchangeably in most places. I wrote it just now for one of my BC posts. Wheat cooked, sun dried and broken into small pieces is bulgur. Just re-hydrating(soaking) it in hot water is enough to consume it. Whereas cracked/broken wheat is, what the name suggests, wheat berries broken into pieces, which requires cooking. Of course the cooking time depends on how fine or coarse the wheat is broken.

  10. delicious and healthy porridge! Italian roasted brinjal seems to be interesting...
    I have send you my entry for the event. Plz check you e-mail.

  11. Ivy, thanks for correcting me! I will check and edit.:)

    Sharmila, I know you aren't! I make sweet things for the kids too. I am myself always in favour of savory stuff!

    Jayasree, thanks!

    Saee, welcome. Yes, I am based right in Thane! What about you?

    Sweatha, that was Harry Potter! He he! I saw the movie and felt like giving Mr.David Yates a piece of my mind!! 80% of teh story was cut!

    Madhuram, thank you so much for the info.!! I am waiting for you to drop in Mumbai:)

  12. Beautiful pictures, I am so awed. I love Dalia payasa and liked the idea of adding almond to it.

  13. wow..i so love th bananas on the porridge!!..gonna try it soon!


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!