Friday, April 10, 2009

Beyond Curries - A New Beginning

'Beyond Curries' as the name suggests is an attempt by a team of bloggers to introduce the world to Indian cuisine in all its variety and flavors. To a 'Non-Indian' the Indian culinary tour seems to start and end with 'curries'. We will be bringing more fare to change that view.

Indian cuisine is diverse as the sub-continent embraces a number of diverse ethinicities living in harmony. India is characterized by varied climatic conditions, various religious sects and has embraced people from other parts of the world since time immemorial. Each group/region has influenced cooking in many ways right from the choice of ingredients to the techniques of cooking. Thus we have Palakkad, Kashmiri, Maharashtrian, Konkan, North-Eastern, Gujarati, Parsi, Marwadi, Bengali, Andhra and Lucknowi cuisines to name a few, each having its own unique taste and variety.

We - Alka @ Sindhi Rasoi, Madhuram @ Eggless Cooking, Nags @ Edible Garden, Sailu @ Sailu's Kitchen, Sia @ Monsoon Spice, Srivalli @ Cooking 4 all Seasons, Trupti @ The Spice Who Loved Me, Vani @ Mysoorean, Viji @ Vcuisine (Private blog) and I - endeavour to showcase Indian cuisine from various regions under one roof bringing you the nitty-gritties of basic Indian delicacies alongwith the exotic.

Do visit us here and stay tuned for a colourful culinary journey.


  1. congrats on your new begining will follow you in that blog too

  2. Awesome beginning! I already visited & will .. subscribed.

  3. What a great idea. Looking forward to seeing what the new blog brings.

  4. Sounds interesting cant wait to see how and where the journey wil take us... Great effort...

  5. Good luck with the new venture!!

  6. Good luck Harini..sounds great.

  7. Very nice concept..... love to see good things like ur blog...... Nice "DUS" team for the new blog :)

  8. congrts,..will be waitin for next post..

  9. Good luck with your new blog. It's a great idea.

  10. CONGRATS Waiting for delicious posts in BC

  11. Congrats..thats a new venture...have a gift for u dear....please do collect it

  12. Did you get my mail for RFRU-strters.I think you had given a new mail id.Do let me know

  13. Hi dear,

    Please grab your award from my blog.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!