Saturday, March 21, 2009

Announcing "Recipes for the rest of us - Starters"

Recipes for the rest of us is aimed at introducing newbies to the joy of cooking. Started by Ramki of One Page Cookbooks , this event focuses on very simple, fool proof recipes. When Ramki invited me to host "recipes for the rest of us", an event guest hosted by various bloggers each month, I was happy to accept and chose my theme as "starters", as this is my favourite course of any feast!

Guidelines :
1. Cook anything vegetarian, eggless and simple, and post the recipe on your blog.
2. Multiple entries / archived entries welcome. However, do edit the archived post to include a link to this post and One Page Cookbooks .
3. Include the logo in your post if you wish.
4. Please send an e-mail to sunshinemom(at)gmail(dot)com with the following details on or before 20th APRIL 2009.
* Subject Line: Recipes for the rest of us : Starters
* Blog author:
* Blog name:
* Dish Name:
* URL of the post:
6. The roundup of would be posted a week after the event closes.
7. Updated: Non-bloggers are welcome to participate. You just have to send your recipes with pictures measuring either 300 in width or height to the above mentioned email id with your name, the name of the dish and location.

Note :
1. Please avoid exact measurements. Please use very simple measurements like a handful or a pinch.
2. Please avoid complicated steps.If the recipe takes over 5 steps to prepare, it would not be suitable for this event.
3. Please avoid recipes demanding a good deal of manual skill.
4. Please avoid recipes demanding fancy kitchen equipment.
5. In short, it should be something a ten year old kid should be able to cook up.

The event is on from 20.03.09 to 20.04.09.

I was to do this announcement on 19th, but I lost track of time!! My apologies to Ramki about that.


  1. So only dam simple starter, letme see what I could whip up for u!

  2. let's see if i can do something!

  3. Oh Wow! I love this theme!

  4. Hey even starters are my favorite….. I have to think about some simple starter now ……… count me in…….

  5. Great theme...sure will participate

  6. nice theme Harini. Who don't like starters. Count me in for this event.

  7. His rules are too complicated H, don't think I can post something without measurement. Let me know if it's okay to make a starter without considering all that rules, I will be happy to find one for you! :)

  8. Simply superb theme, will send my entries surely..

  9. Hi

    I dot have a blog of my own , can i participate in this event.


  10. Am already thinking of something. Will send it soon.

  11. I would love to participate in this event :)

  12. hppy hostin will send in omethin,..:-)

  13. hey ive been hoping for something like this..........perfect let me see what i can come up with..........

  14. I'm not sure if the okra fries I have posted today will qualify for this event. When you get a chance please look at it and let me know.

  15. Sorry SM, I confused starters with snacks. So ignore my previous comment.

  16. Aahh .. just my kind of cooking Harini ... though not all of them can be called starters. :-)
    Am glad you will accept archived entries. :-)

  17. Hi Harini ive already posted my recipe just hve to mail it to you....but i have just one problem..i mean how do you guys paste the url like see
    Ramki of one cook books and when i click on one cook books it takes me to ramkis place........i mean i went and copied his url, but it came just like that not one cook books.........ami making any sense here????????/

  18. hey ive pulled chicken mustagreek out of the havent update as yet have you????????just reminding......

  19. Hi SM, did you get my email with the entry details?

  20. Sure. Will try to contribute something.

  21. Hello sunshine mom,
    I have posted by entry to the event in my blog and sent you an e-mail.

  22. Hi SM, I have sent another mail with the 2 entries. Cocktail Idlis and low fat samosas.

  23. SM, you have got the email ID in the announcement wrong. I found it the first time itself, but I thought you have changed it. I'll send it to the other address shortly.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!