Wednesday, March 25, 2009




alleviating world famine is our mission - Bloggeraid

Three energetic bloggers got together and decided to make a difference to the world. In a short span the number of members in this movement have crossed 100.

Who are the administrators?
Ivy of Kopiaste, Bellini Valli (Val) of More than burnt toast, and Giz of Equal opportunity Kitchen. It is their brainchild, but all members are free to contribute their ideas and support the cause in whatever way possible.

The aim:
Considering that the blogger community is very strong and quite large these three ladies got together to see whether it is possible for us to make a difference to the poverty and hunger prevalent all around us. The mission is to reach out to those who are less fortunate than us.

What is the bloggeraid cookbook about?
This is a fundraiser. The blogger community is invited to contribute a "copyright hassle free" recipe alongwith a photograph. The recipes will be published in a cookbook, and the proceeds from the sale of this book will go to School Meals, a program of The World Food Programme (WFP), the United Nations frontline agency.

Who can contribute?
Anyone - members or non-members.

Interested? - Check up on this link.

Last date for submission?
31st March 2009.

One of the conditions is that the photograph may be posted but not the recipe. It is also not necessary that every contribution will appear in the published cookbook:)

My dish for this drive is a staple from Palakkad, my native place. Palakkad is a town in Kerala which acts as a conduit between Tamilians and Keralites for the simple reason that it located close to Coimbatore in Tamilnadu and still in Kerala (border). Over the years many generations of Tamilian Brahmins have settled in this verdant place and developed a mixed culture and cuisine characteristic of Palakkad Iyers. Though I have never been to Palakkad, I still retain the quintessential Iyer accent from Palakkad and my everyday cooking conforms to a traditional Palakkad Iyer style kitchen.

Molagootal is a staple at my home. My children love it and I make it at least twice a week and still we do not get tired of leftovers (rare)!

For now - just the pics:)

Since this recipe is going to be my contribution to the Bloggeraid Cookbook, I will not be revealing the ingredient or recipe but I am sure you will love this one!



  1. LOVE the bowl you served it in, great contribution H. Looks mouthwatering, will wait for the recipe later! :)

    Guess what? My thatha's farm (Basavapura, next to Chamarajanagara) is near Coimbatore and K'taka border and most Kannadiga people there speak and understand Tamil,watch Tamil movies, wear Panche/mundu and hang a white towel thingie on their shoulder whole day! Most of my dad's friends growing up there were Tamilians too. Wonderful, isn't it? Just like Palakkad people, Kerala and Tamil! :)

  2. such a mouthwatering picture Harini. i have a pallakad friend should ask him for the recipe i guess ;)

  3. Been ages since I've had this...wonderful entry.

  4. Loved the pictures, esp the clay pot in the background :)

  5. lovely pictures! been reading about the blogger aid cookbook everywhere - what a great idea!
    my mum-in-law makes this so so well! i absolutely love it!

  6. I am a palakkad iyer too and yes! i can totally vouch for the love of molagootal in my house too...and i do say words when i speak tamil with my tamilian buddies that drive them to say..huh!....

  7. Very classy and gorgeous entry H!

  8. Asha, thanks for that info - I hadn't heard that one but there is one place in Mangalore that has a mixed language - Tulu and Malayalam. When they speak the words are more Malayalam but the tone is more Tulu! What a wonderful mix of culture we have:)!!

    Mints! - maybe you should!

    Poorna, I just can't keep myself off this for more than a week!

    Vani, thanks! That is a terracotta pot I found on my way back from Mysore to Bangalore.

    Anu, I remember you saying that your mother in law is from Palakkad. My friends in office and my neighbour loves this too:)

    Rajitha, I can understand that one! During our stay in Chennai I never spoke Tamil because they would immediately snicker and ask - Palakkada?

    Lakshmi, Cham, thanks!

  9. I am not a keralite I don't know how to make this dish. When will be available online? I have something for the Starters event harini..will post tomorrow!

  10. That's nice of you! :) Love the pictures.

  11. What a teaser! That looks yummy. Can you tell a little about it? What do you make it with?

  12. True about molagootal.. I too make it atleast once in a week, esp keerai molagootal which is reserved for weekends.

    Great presentation, apt for a cookbook pic, Harini. I am sure your pics will enrich the blogger aid cookbook.

  13. Wow love that dish and that bowl which you have served.. Lovely pictures..Looks delish..

  14. lovely pictures SM! I make molagootal too very very often at home, never tire of it, the best part being you can play around with many veggies for making it! Great entry

  15. Thank you so much for your contribution to the BloggerAid cookbook and for raising awareness. This look fabulous!!

  16. Oh..that bowl..!!Loved it..Am waiting to go to India to get one like that..N the dish is so mouth watering that,I cant wait to know the recipe..I can even bribe u to pass me that HArini..hehe..;-)

  17. You have chosen something that represents Kerala Iyer cuisine aptly. Molagootal, esp Keera molagootal is something that I make very often.

  18. Very nice dish and well photographed :) Loved the bowl

  19. Like somany here I too fell inlove with that serving bowl and ur photography! Nice recipe dear:)

  20. Those are awesome clicks, this dish seems very interesting..never had this yet..fabulous entry H..

  21. Love the bowl you served it in.With hot white rice molagootal is perfect .Mouthwatering pc dearie.

  22. New name, new everything. :-)
    What is it .. sweet? spicy? Well .. guess will have to wait for the recipe. :-)

  23. Lovely pic....looks so gud ..this is new to me..

  24. loved ur click nd both the bowls,..:-)

  25. Molagootal is a staple in my home, especially keerai molagootal ! Looks fantastic, loved the bowl and the backdrop :-)

  26. thatz a beautiful looking bowl. womderful pics

  27. i love molagootal, this looks yummy! love your presentation.

  28. I never saw a more distinguished looking molagootal, Harini.
    Palakkad Iyer accent? Would love talking to you. :)
    It would be nice if Palakkad made it to that cookbook.

  29. Harini, confused as hell. need help can you see my latest post and say yes or no?

  30. Looks lovely, and the bowl is so cute. I'd wait for the book to see your recipe

  31. What a lovely entry Harini. This is one recipe that will surely make it to the cookbook. Lovely photos and I am so much looking forward to getting this cookbook. Thank you very much for contributing.

  32. nice entry for the cookbook..looks lovely..will wait for the recipe

  33. That bowl is so cute! Milagootal looks delicious!

  34. left me pretty much in mystery:-) Looks beautiful in that beautiful bowl.

  35. I'm desperate to know the recipe,looks fabulous:)

  36. Looks gorgeous :-)...loved the bowl and the ppot :-)

  37. Very nice molagootal recipe..I like the bowl and the pictures are amazing!

  38. if i bug you enough, will you send me the recipe by e-mail? i love this. my mom used to make it many years ago.

  39. So tempting. Never heard that. I'll register later.

  40. hey , nice blog , like it ,
    won't be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
    & post some suggestion


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!