Friday, January 16, 2009

A Year and Still Going Strong - Yay! (Gaajar ka Halwa - I)

Carrot halwa 2

Align Center[I had written this post yesterday but due to server problems it did not get posted. Thanks! Sweatha for the blog birthday wishes - I did not want to but it did end up a 'thenga' yesterday:(]

Considering the fact that my Parents call me "Tirupathi Mottai", I must say I am proud of having been consistenly blogging all these months! For those who are wondering what "Tirupathi Mottai" means - well, I am afraid that yes! - it is another story!

Tirupathi is the earthly abode of Lord Venkateshwara. One of the beliefs is that getting oneself tonsured in Tirupathi solves troubles and problems. In this hope, despite knowing that all the hair goes into a roaring export business of wigs, and the one problem that is surely solved is dandruff, many people stand in lengthy queues just to shed off their hair. My husband does it because he is a believer. I am not an atheist but not an ardent devotee, yet I would love to try it because I like the style, but no one lets me!!

Nowadays Tirupathi Devasthanam employs both men and women barbers, but in the earlier days the story was different. Barbers were few, people too many and each barber would try to reserve as many customers as possible. The best way to ensure that customers did not get bored or go away, was to chop off a part of each person's hair and get on with the completions starting with the first one. That way the fourth or fifth customer could not wander off but wait for his own turn, or remain half-shaven. In their hurry to make money and shave more heads the barbers never tonsured properly, and hence the term 'Tirupathi Mottai" came in use to refer to half done jobs! Have you heard of this story? No? Wow! You are lucky!

My parents first used the term for me when I left music classes midway as a child. When I stopped shorthand class midway my Dad asked - "Tirruppi, Tirupathi mottai velaiyya?" (Is it another case of one of your Tirupathi mottai series), later when I left my law classes half way he just said - "Tirupathi mottai". Having been branded thus, I had no choice but to continue leaving footprints in most spheres of life! A month before my marriage I started a beautiful embroidery of a bridegroom astride a horse and a bride following in her 'doli'. The bridegroom needs a face still and the bride is in pencil. Sometime later, drowned in love I started a sweater for my husband - just last week I decided it will never get completed and gave away the front to someone and the rest of the wool too! By the time I started the sweater my husband had come to know of the story and smiled when he saw my half done projects and said - "Now I know what Tirupathi Mottai means." As an expectant mother I knitted a cap and a sweater. Happy with my completion, I started on a slightly more elaborate project - a romper that hasn't gone beyond the legs! Later I started working on a knitted frock, and the frilled design was so good I had many people asking me how it was done. The repetitions made it monotonous so the frills became the front of a skirt as my daughter had gained a few years by that time. She stared at the 'front piece' the other day and I told her it was the collar for her knitted top! I am still undecided on the top! My husband gifted me a suitcase few years back that contains a label - "Tirupathi Mottai". You know why!!

Coming back to present - you now know why I am thrilled! I have never been this consistent except for my scrapbooking hobby. Two days back P said - "Isn't that great?", you have been consistently blogging for a year now!" I closed my eyes for a minute to recollect the events that happened in my virtual world during this past year, and realised that I had grown quite a bit - as a blogger and as a person(my jeans and skirts know that!). For the past few years I have had the sinking feeling that my language had shrunk to a few thousand words - enclosed herewith, hereinabove etc., and I had lost control over penning my thoughts. Blogging regularly helped me go beyond a few 'notesheets', and share stories and recipes. I re-discovered the pleasure of meeting new people and the pleasure of interacting freely. I also made some really good friends and I am surprised this happened because I have always been wary of 'internet friendships'! As a blogger I came here not knowing the basics, underwent my moments of anxiety, and after the initial two months of safe and easy recipe posting entered the deep waters - read as event entering, playing around with my layout and things! Oh, damn! it is only 10minutes before 16th comes around....I will spare you and just get on with the birthday sweet!

I am celebrating my first year with a vegan 'gajar halwa' I made yesterday. I love making desserts during these months because they do not rest heavy in the stomach! I enjoy eating warm desserts most. This year the halwa has started its spree pretty late. Usually I make carrot halwa at least once a fortnight starting in December and stopping towards February end when the fat, red, juicy carrots get replaced by less attractive, bald orange sticks that we have to put up with!

Fat, juicy, red carrots - 1 kg. (Shredded)
Sugar - To taste (I used about 2cups)
Cashew paste - 1/2 cup
Roasted and broken cashew - 2 tbsp.
Slivered pistachios - 1 tbsp.
Vanaspati - 3/4 cup to 1 cup
(Updated after Bharti's comment as she is correct in her observation that hydrogenated oils are not very good for health. Vanaspati is hydrogenated oil - if you can find a better vegan substitute do use it. If you are not vegan ghee is better than vanaspati. I used this as a vegan alternative but this is not something I use regularly - am also looking for a better alternative.)

Heat a cooker or deep large kadhai with 1/4 cup vanaspati. Add carrots and cook stirring till done. Add sugar and go on stirring and cooking till almost dry. Add the remaining ghee, and cook stirring often till the carrot dries up, remains grainy but comes together into a mass. Add the cashew paste and mix it well so it spread evenly in the halva. Decorate with slivered pistas and garnish with cashew bits.
This should take about 45 minutes to an hour as the cooking is done on slow fire.
I added the cashew paste to give it the white grainy look 'khoa' gives, and succeeded. The vegan version is not as sweet as the usual thing as milk adds its own sweetness. You could increase the sugar if you like but this was just right for us. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of the carrots also. I usually add sugar and vanaspati in halves (instalments), so that I do not end up with excessive fat or sweetness.

My daughter has this with vanilla ice cream.


Carrot halwa 1


  1. congratulations ...guess what I am the first one to wish..atleast

    loved the tirupati mottai story...i belong to the band wagon

  2. Many Many happy returns...
    Halwa looks yummy..

  3. Had u ever felt a deep rooted connection with some one else's write up?if yes then probably u know wht i felt after reading ur post.I also belong to the same breed of hyper excited people who start everything on promising note and then feel drained out and bored with it just after some time.
    Tirupati mottai story was new but really apt to my situation
    And in my kitchen too carrot halwa runs marathon between december to february and i just can't accept that orange colured carrots for halwa after feb.
    It looks delicious and cashew paste sounds awesome
    And Happy Blogo-birthday dear,i am just few days behind you ;-)

  4. Congratulations :) One year of consistent blogging thats quite an achievement :) I had not heard of the tirupathi mottai story.. It was hilarious.. Guess what..I traverse on similar lines not always because I get bored but sometime due to circumstances. Starting with my dance class, then karate. Both time my teachers stopped teaching! and then there is knitting that is one thing that I could never get around with completion!
    Would love to see many more posts from you :)

  5. Jiyo hazaron saal Tumyumtreats! :-)
    And that was a good story Harini .. but am a boooring perfectionist ... though now I know what to call hubby ...Tirupathi mottai! :-))

  6. Oh .. and the halwa looks awesome. Carrot halwa without milk is new to me. :-)

  7. Congratulations......!
    Now I understansd your this season's Gajar ka halwa was waiting for such a nice occassion. It's looking yummy!


    Plz accept my appreciation :)

  9. Navita, thank you. I knew there had to be more! I will be there right over, dear!

    Ann, thank you:)

    Alka, Thank you:) Same here - I get bored quite easily! And how I hate those orange carrots!

    Uj, thanks! I guess for you the converse works:)

    Sharmila, without milk is new to me also! I needed to have gaajar halwa only I did not want to compromise but I will be making the milk version for the family soon:)! I am sure your husband will have a comment if you call him Tirupathi mottai - is this the blogging knowledge gained?!!:)

    Khaugiri, yes it is an achievement to keep at it and funny but it has become an addiction! Thank you:)

  10. So that's what everyone should call me...tirupati mottai. Yes, I qualify!

    Hearty congratulations and happy budday to your blog!

    Vegan halwa looks yummy!

  11. Happy blogiversary! I find it hard to believe that you could be a "tirupati mottai" ! :D
    A lovely story.
    Hearty congratulations!

  12. thatz an achievement girl, Congrtas. I too had never thought that I will get hooked to blogging, started this due to boredom, I love reading ur posts & write-ups. way to go girl, Loved the vegan Gajar Ka halwa, lovely pic

  13. Wow, congratulations !! The 'tirupati mottai' story was super :) so this one year deserves a standing applause...congratulations again

  14. Happy Birthday Tongue Ticklers....

  15. congratulations and celebrationsss......i love gajar halwa and ironically to make than to eat :P my bro loves to eat ;)
    3 cheers to tumyumtreats :D

  16. that is indeed a good story.
    Halwa looks great, love the bright red color.

    Cheers! Wishing you many more wonderful blog years.

  17. Congratulations dear, it has been a long time since I heard this story...yummy halwa perefect for the occasion :)

  18. YYYYAAAAYYYY! Happy first birthday! It is a achievement, not easy to blog!!:))

    Halwa is yum. What's with these kids these days? They want everything with vanilla taste or ketchup! Hahaha!!

  19. Congrats for completing one year and wish you many many more!!!Thats a funny story about Tirupati mottai,havent heard of it before,loved it!!

  20. Happy Anniversary....its not easy to blog for long and u've completed one year thats great....I enjoyed reading you "tirupathi mottai" story.Cashewnut paste in carrot halwa is sumtng i hvnt tried.....noted!

  21. Now I know we are on the same boat.I had heard the Tirupati Mottai story,but with Palani as the place-Palani Mottai. :P. Well,I too started so many things,left it midway that my mother got so fed up.Then I put the blame on stars(well mom has to accept it atlast)saying that,bcoz saturn was in such and such position I am like that.:D :D
    Now when I take up new things,my parents(& husband as well i also think my daughter does too)they start counting days till it ends.It could range from small things to computer courses.My family is surprised that I am blogging and its around 8 months-surprise to me and others.Hope saturn & other planets/stars support me in this.

    I was truly surprised to see my name in the article.Thanks,I loved it and I loved wishing you and love reading your posts and dishes.
    I too was wary of internet friendships.Sometimes I am amazed at how we grow up once we letgo of our fears and attitude pblms. Take care Enjoy the scrumptious halva.Cashew paste makes it creamy and never tried it milkless.

  22. Happy Birthday Harini:-)& wishing ur blog many many more years to come. I was going to come by yesterday & wish but couldn't. But i would not have got my share of the halwa yesterday:-). That color is gorgeous. Both my husband & me do not like milk & khoya in our halwas, this is how i do it.

    I love gajar ka halwa, & do not make it often for my own sins of stealing numerous times thru the day.. (yes literally stealing...). I buy these pounds of carrots and force myself to be a bunny rabbit!

    your story was just hilarious! esp. the suitcase label.

  23. Happy Birthday Sunshine Mom! I have really enjoyed your blog and its been great getting to know you. That story is new to me but yeah, I know how unfinished business goes as well! I'm glad I've been blogging consistently too(albeit at a slower pace than many of you). The Halwa looks lovely.
    But I have a question for you Harini. Isn't Vanaspati bad for you? Isn't it hydrogenated fat as in shortening type fat?

  24. Happy First Birthday..Keep on going. Nice Mottai story..Halwa looks mouthwatering...

  25. Happy 1st birthday and here's wishing you many more! :)

  26. Blogging for one year is a great accomplishment. There are many books that I begin to read, but only if the book is worth reading to I finish it.It is the same with your projects. If you have a passion for what you are doing it will get done. So choose something you want to do and not what you feel you have to do.

  27. congartulations..... its alway fun to go to thirupathi...

  28. Congratulations!!! Halwa looks great!

  29. Congratulations on the first year and wishes for many more..thats one hilarious account of tirupati I know what to call you ..heheheh...that halwa looks so yummy!

  30. Congratulations :)
    and tirupathi mottai story was hilarious... halwa looks yummy :)

  31. Congratulations Harini...I had a smile on my face when i read your story about "Tirupati Mottai".But must say you have a great blog dear..Enjoy this wonderful moment with carrot halwa :)

  32. Happy birthday to Tirupathi Mottai's blog :-)
    I ciudn't help adding that word. It is the first time i hear that word too.
    Love reading the post, it made me smile a lot.
    Reading the variety if knitting you did which didn't complete.

  33. Hello Twin Sister! A very happy birthday to you dear! Wish to see many more posts and continued enthusiasm from you always!

    Enjoyed reading the post Harini! Nice write-up! Ha ha, so you like the bald hair style? I couldn't hold my smile after reading your nice post! Have a wonderful weekend!

  34. Hippee, first time I am hearing about the Tirupathi mottai kadai.
    I don't do any Tirupathi mottai works but really amazed reading u just freak for things just for couple of days, probably months?
    Note: Do u like the clean shave head, like Britney?
    Congrats on Blogo-Anniversary :) Always enjoyed ur warm welcoming site! Wish many more years and NO NO anymore to Tirupathi mottai vellai for ur blog!

  35. Hey Harini,
    Many Many Happy Returns!!!

    You have a great sense of humor.
    didn't know the name or the origin of the word Tirupati Mottai.
    but I think it can be used on me too!! I left many things half way through!! Recently finished my Tae Kwan Do class and more than anyone else, I was surprised at myself!!

    Gajar Halwa looks delicious. I love those red, juicy carrots you get in winter there. I don't get them here. I get orange ones. For halwa, those red ones are perfect!

  36. Happy blog-anniversary!
    Yummy looking gajar ka halwa! n more lovely prelude. I enjoyed reading ur post!

  37. many many happy returns and true treat for ur self

  38. I love the way the carrot halwa looks! I avoid vanaspati or anyother hydrogenated medium too. Won't canola or some other light oil work? I am planning to try carrot halwa with home made applesauce to substitute butter. Congrats on going strong!!! You know what, sudden bursts of new pursuits and half done projects are something that I've always been accused of too ;-)

  39. What a lovely post. I learned what tirupati mottai means, we have a similar saying in Greece and most of the things you say are what I have experienced as well, although my character is to do everything at the same time and thus do nothing in perfection and sometimes quit what I've started if I've found something more interesting. I think I am addicted to blogging.
    Happy blogoversary and please don't quit this one as you are doing a great job. Your halwa sounds delicious.

  40. Congratulation! Your halwa look gorgeous.
    Btw, you still can submit your potato dish to Potato Ho Event. It doesn't matter if you don't have a pet. Actually I've been submitting my entries without Ho's name. Or, choose any name (it doesn't have to be pet name) The sweet potato bread was the first entry that I created Ho's name. I hope you'll consider to submit one of your delicious potato dish.

  41. Thanks everyone for coming here and leaving with a smile! Spread it everywhere:)

    Sahaja, it happens with me too sometimes!

    Asha, I dunno! The ketchup addictions is thankfully missing!

    B.Valli, believe me when I get into something I am terribly interested in it and sometimes the joy of getting to know even a little bit is great! But in the end it is true that one continues only with what one is passionate about!

    Uma, Cham, I was thinking of Persis Khambatta - she carried off the bald look like a true diva!!

    Meera, that is great! I will take care never to spar with you:)

    Ivy, Oh yes! That happens too!

    Elra, welcome and thank you! Will send the potato post:)

  42. nice tirupati mottai story atleast you start to do some thing me I dont even start for me starting prob he he he lovely post and perfect halwa nice color yes a big CONGRATULATIONS

  43. halwa looks so yum,..nd congrats for the blogversary...:-)loved readin ur story,..:-)

  44. H,
    Congratulations! on your 1st blogging anniversary......
    It was a great reading specially Trupatti Mothai LOL, I must tell you then I am also kind of Triputti Mothai hehee ....
    and the halvah looks so great and delicious..
    is refined sunflower oil , a good option?
    hugs and smiles

  45. Happy blog anniversary! I too was a Tirupathi Mottai for a while, as a kid. Tennis, dance lessons, one or two other endeavours I forget ... my grandad once listed everything and said is there anything you've finished? I also have a couple of Anchor embroidery samplers that I haven't finished.

    When I read the phrase "A month before my marriage ..." I wondered if you were coming out with some confession about being a runaway bride - a continuation of the Tirupathi mottai motif - but thankfully, it wasn't that! :-) I had a few jitters the day before I got married, full of tears from my side and reassurances from my aunts :-) not that I ever considered running away ...

  46. A very happy blog anniversary and thanks for keeping me in splits while dishing out excellent fare. :)
    Hope you continue to do so for a long time to come. And don't you dare do a Tirupathi Mottai with this.
    And that's good advice from another semi T.mottai. You don't want to hear my story of the sweater that's been a work in progress for 10 years now!!

    Love carrot halwa. I wait for this season for the fruit and veggies. Have 2kgs of carrots in the fridge right now.

  47. Happy 'blog-irthday'! to you!

    This post sounds so much like me! My fathers calls it 'Soda-Bottle-spirit'.. Left classical music midway, C-programming midway, painting, sketching, you name it i have done it, never completely though.. are you a Piscean by any chance?

  48. Happy first anniversary to your blog. And hoping to come back here many more years to wish you.

    By the way, if I were to ever tell you the list of things I started and not finished, that would be a long story too :)

  49. Hearty Congratulations Harini! You're blog is fun to read and I hope you complete many many anniversaries. And, don't be too hard on yourself,most of us have a list of stuff that we have left midway. I like to keep my memory full of gaps.....stuff I left in between is what I don't remember;-)

  50. Happy Birthday to ur blog and Congragulations to u!
    loved the tirupathi mottai story:)i very much share the same mom calls me 'jack of all trades, master of none'lol:)
    Happy blogging and look forward to see many more recipes from u!:)

  51. Congrats on your 1 year! Its obvious you enjoy cooking and blogging and therefore will never be a thirupathi mottai :) I love your photo and the red carrots against the black bowl.

  52. as always looks like i am the last one here - pls blame it on the weekends being on friday sat around here. a big hug for your first year - hope you continue in your smart funny fantastic way for many more years to come. when i first started blogging yours was one of the blogs that I adored - what i like about you is the non pretentious, down to earth and eager to share approach you have.

    love the gajar halwa shot - you know we have a non fat version without ghee but milk so maybe in a small quantity you could try making some with soya milk>? just an idea.

  53. Thanks again! My one year of pleasure just doubled reading your generous compliments!! Made me feel glad to see that we are mostly "birds of a feather flocking together":)

    Sra! You made me laugh and gave me an idea too - why not something for Valentine's Day?!! I have some awesome friends who got married in the most unusual ways!

    Jaya, thanks! I was wondering whether it will taste as good but thanks for the suggestion - will try out in small quantity!

    Rajani, yes! I will definitely try it out and thanks for all the generous compliments! Coming from someone who writes well - I am thrilled:) I am looking forward to more of your Grandfather's cooking:)

    Smitha, that's one new term!! Ho ho:) BTW, me an Aquarian - the visionary kind... only the visions keep changing!!

    Nidhi, hope to make it fun for you all the time! I am not being hard but the diary writing habit has etched each instance into my memory that it has become 'patthar ki lakeer':))

    Keerthana, Veggie belly, thanks:)

    Simran, I know....we are after all Aquarians, soul sister!! I can see Alka wanting to punch us - you are leaving me alone she would say:)

    Aparna, advice taken dear! I would love to hear that story of the sweater - will make me feel good:)

  54. Happy bloggiversary.
    LOL at the tirupati mottai story....

  55. I'm late for the party,any halwa left for me? .Happy Blog Birthday:)
    The tirupati mottai got me giggling here:)
    About the Vanaspati,I agree, if you can buy the one without hydrogenated oils,its super healthy and not otherwise.
    Hope to see many more witty and delicious posts from you :)

  56. Congratulations on turning one and show the family you can do this for many more. Yehhhhhhh, you go girl.

  57. Congrats on your blog's first anniversery Harini. My mom used to call me when i left some work unfinished Thirupathi barber. Your carrot halwa looks goegeous, and inviting. Awesome clik.

    Regading , the cutlets, i have forgot to mention to roll in bread crumps, which i have did. Now i have corrected it. See, my thirupathi barber job, :-)


    Loved the Tirupati Mottai story :) never heard of it but was funny (I was smiling right through while reading it) and IRONIC too because most of us in this world are Tirupatti Mottai in some way or the other. I am one too. My new year decision (resolutions are always broken) is to learn dance and complete the course and likewise with piano lessons. Will try the carrot halwa soon.


    Loved the Tirupati Mottai story :) never heard of it but was funny (I was smiling right through while reading it) and IRONIC too because most of us in this world are Tirupatti Mottai in some way or the other. I am one too. My new year decision (resolutions are always broken) is to learn dance and complete the course and likewise with piano lessons. Will try the carrot halwa soon.

  60. No no Sunshinemom, look here It is just about 2 weeks ago. :)

  61. Belated wishes,Harini. I always love reading the anecdotes in your posts along with the recipes.
    Wishing you many more happy years of blogging.

    Adding cashew paste to the halwa is a nice idea.

  62. I didn't know Tirupati Mottai meant this! Great story of the barbers - what a smart lot!! Hmm I am like that too our case started a blog, was a tirupati mottai for 6 months, after which suddenly it caught on, and now I cant stay away from it for too long! Wish you a very very happy blog birthday...and hey yoiu are just 3 days older than me!!!

  63. Belated blogiversary wishes SM. I guess a lot of us fall in the Tirupathi Mottai category. I thought it was only me. Good to know that there are so many out there.

  64. Congratulations on completing one year of blogging....nice post. Enjoyed reading about Tirupathi mottai, have never heard of that term in this reference...hope to see many more funny heartwarming posts from you....also about the incomplete projects I wonder if it is an aquarian thing, since I share that tendency sometimes too :-)
    And finally your gajar halwa looks fantastic, I always love the red carrots you find in Bombay at this time, I miss them here :-)

  65. Congrats on completing one year!
    Did you say sweater? The one I started for my hubby is still in the initial stage where I am still deciding which colour to pair with grey for the stripes, having already started with that colour :) so yours is a lot better!

    Congrats again & keep up the great work!

  66. We must be a lot alike, Harini. I too have a habit for dropping projects mid-way, but I too have stuck with blogging way longer than I have with anything else. I guess we just needed to find the right outlet!
    A very happy blog birthday, and I hope you have many, many more.
    The carrot halwa looks lovely: you're right, hydrogenated fats are not good for one, although here I can buy vegetable shortening that's not hydrogenated. Hopefully, you'll get it in India soon. For carrot halwa, I just use a tiny amount of canola oil in that last stage.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!