Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Vella Pori / Puffed Rice balls, bars or pops

Pori urundai

Updated (29.01.08):I gathered that is known by many crisp sounding names:
Borugula unda - Telugu (Sahaja)
Puri Unde - Kannada (Asha)
Moori ka laddu - Bengali (Soma)
Maramarala Undalu - Assuming it is Telugu? (Rekha)
Murmulala Unda - Assuming it is Telugu? (Varunavi)

This January our book club initiated by Simran of Bombay Foodie and Bhags of Crazy Curry in June 2008, completed six months. Steadily the number of members has increased from two to eight with at least two of us contributing something inspired and cooked from the chosen book each month! The pick for January was Sweatha's, and she chose the evergreen book loved by all chocoholics from 8 to 115...(now what is the oldest living person's age?) - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl.

I am not very fond of Roald Dahl as I find his tales a little too outlandish for my taste (as a kid and as an adult), but there are exceptions to the rule, and at various points after the arrival of my daughter and her passion for Roald Dahl, I have very much enjoyed reading 'The Twits' and 'C&TCF'.

While we are at it I will take this oppurtunity to credit the great mind of Roald Dahl for the whole series of the Clinic All Clear Shampoo Advts. starring Shah Rukh Khan and Saif Ali Khan (One eg. here) using the punchline "Knock, knock! Who's there?". The knock knock series was born as the result of a conversation between the American President and the Chinese President named Hu (Confused by the A.Prez for 'who') in 'The Twits' (As far as I know). I loved the entire series in the book as it gives you quite a few stitches on the sides laughing out loud as well as the Clinic Advt. which used the line brilliantly with two of India's best stand up comedians and versatile actors, known for their spunk as well as the comic timing - only I wish they had credited Dahl for his brilliance!

What I do like about Roald Dahl is his choice of names - I do not know of any other person who could come up with names like 'Willy Wonka', 'Augustus Gloop' save P.G.Wodehouse! P.G.W's genre of humor is (it is difficult to say 'was' for someone who has traversed different generations of readers so seamlessly!) different and completely out of this world - who else could think of names like Gussie Finknottle or Psmith with a 'P', and stick a smile on your face that can make you look like a fool in a public place because you have been just reading a P.G.Wodehouse and howmuchever you wish the smile won't fade out!! Well..., carry on smiling - Roald Dahl proves even me - a die hard Wodehouse fan - that he can have you in splits even while punishing a few mannerless children in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory'.

A peep into the story through my eyes: (The unabridged version is perfect for Age 8 and over)
Charlie is a young boy who lives in extremely impoverished condition, and for whom the lack of material luxuries is compensated for in full measure by the warmth of a loving family consisting of his maternal and paternal grandparents, and his parents. The only pleasure Charlie is allowed is one bar of chocolate a year on his birthday - not just any, but the chocolate that is manufactured at the World's leading Chocolate FActory, Willy Wonka's Magical Mysterious Factory! Magical, because no one has been able to replicate the flavors of Wonka's chocolates and mysterious because no one has been working there and yet the factory is operating in full swing! A sudden announcement by Wonka admitting five children to a tour of his factory along with their parents/grandparents prompts Charlie to buy an extra chocolate which results in his getting the fifth golden ticket. Charlie is accompanied by his Grandfather for the tour. During the tour one by one all the other children meet 'ends' that make them turn into better people, but Charlie who is neither rich, pampered nor foolish ends up with Wonka bequeathing his factory to Charlie, and Charlie is ensured a life time supply of the World's choicest chocolate products.

The inspiration followed by half-baked action:
This January we were to get inspired and cook something from the book. I swear the inspiration was in place and I hoped to make 'square chocolates that look round' - don't you doubt that bit unless you would like to go down the rubbish chute like Veruca Salt!! I started off in this creative pursuit with a fusion idea - how about puffed rice laddoos (puffola bars hereinafter) dipped in chocolate ganache and decorated with peppermint eyes on four sides? Sounds great, doesn't it? But you know how it is - by the time I baked the puffola bars and sliced, I had lost patience and my mind came up with excuses like - "Oh! this is healthy", "Why doesn't it slice well?" followed by whack whack and haphazard boulders, and in the end since the kids loved the 'puffola bars', I just let them stay as they were without going into the chocolate ganache thingy:)

Here is how we go about making the 'Puffed Rice Balls/Bars' aka Puffola bars or the simple 'Vella Pori'

Vella Pori is a dish traditionally made by Tamilians during 'Karthigai', a festival which is basically an extension of Diwali. I do not require any reason or occasion for this one as it is a healthy , energy giving, quick 'short break' that does not fail to make my children jump for joy!

Pori (Puffed rice) - About 200g.
Powdered Jaggery (Sweet soft variety) - About 1.5cups
Water - 1 ladle or 1/4cup
Oil/ghee - 1 + 1tsp. (I used carotino oil)
Cinnamon powder - 2 pinches
Coconut - chopped or sliced very thin (optional)
Roasted gram - 1 tbsp (optional)

In a wide thick wok put the jaggery alongwith water and heat till it reaches soft ball consistency(Imp.).

What is soft ball consistency? - Please click here.

Add the puffed rice (coconut and roasted gram if using) and mix so that the jaggery evenly coates the grains.

Remove and gather the mixture into balls. Mine are quite big but you may start off with your level of comfort. Cool and store in air tight boxes. This makes a light, healthy and energetic snack.

Alternatively (and this works out easy) you may spread the mixture in a non-stick baking dish and bake in a pre-heated oven for about five to ten minutes at 160 deg. C. Remove, cool completely and slice into bars. Mine split into uneven blocks and some even broke free and separated into coated grains. They taste good anyway - call them urundai as we do, vella pori as some people do, bars or pops......hmm... what's in a name after all?


Puffed rice bars


Puffed rice pops

Why bake? - The puffed rice pop up while baking and are rendered crispier then before!

I was supposed to have cubes that were supposed to get coated in chocolate ganache but mood did not permit any thing, and they just remained healthy puffola bars!! I make these in cartloads and they get over in a day or two at the most:)

My friends, Simran and Sweatha both made Chocolate Truffles. Do check up the links for the individual recipes. Simran says "Great minds think alike" - Simran, did you know what I said about that to Sweatha? He he:)


  1. Yayyyy I know this too...we call it borugula unda....i love them!!

  2. yummy pori :)
    my mom used to make this for karthigai :)
    and totally agree with you about Wodehouse...the names, the characters,their quirks :)

  3. My kids used to read his stories when they were in elementary school. Now I have "The Best of Roald Dahl" book for adults only. Love it but won't give it kids to read. May be to Trisha, but she has lost interest in his books now.

    We call these Puri Unde in Kannada, used to eat them a lot, colorful ones too. Baking sounds good! My son loves Rice Crispies, American Marshmallow style, our's is with Jaggary! :))

  4. Oh I love pori urundai... and that soft ball consistency is kind of critical like you mentioned, and more often I kind of miss it.
    But pori urundais taste good either way.

  5. Vella pori is one of my faves , looks delicious,instead of cinnamon we add a pinch of "chukku" in it...the idea of baking the pori sounds intriguing...will try :-)

  6. Moori ka laddu ooo moori ka laddu:-) we miss these. i fight with my husband & he fights with me whenever we get to lay our hands on them. In Bengal we do not use coconut in it. Please eat a few thinking of us.

  7. LOL dearie,only you can write such a wonderful,full of life post.Love the vella pori or puffola bar ,better you did not dip it into ganache,some things are better just the way they are.
    I did not know that they popped on baking.Also On your q regarding appleoats bars,they are soft bars,the amount of milk decides the texture I believe.I think it is just like a casserole dish,simply cut it and serve it.Apples act as a binder here.So this could be sliced.I will check next time for this and get back to you,bye 4 now

  8. Sahaja, I know most S.Is make it but did not have the name - will update it in the post, thanks!

    Indhu, another PGW fan! Welcome:)

    Asha, I have that book though did not get round to reading it! The baking time might differ - I guess it will be similar to the A. counterpart. Thanks for the K. name:)

    Anu, I know how many times I spoilt my sweets before learning that!!

    Usha, the cinnamon bit is my twist - I love c., but my Mom adds chukku:)

    Soma, aapke naam se kha bhi liya, jhagda bhi kiya!!

    Sweatha, they pop mildly in size and become crisp but do not go a loud 'pop'! I will try those bars soon - have some oats I want to finish!

  9. Looks perfect harini. The first and only time i made it, i didn't know that you had roll them into balls when they are little hot. I waited till it completely cooled down and i had a hard time taking it out of the vessel!! :-O

  10. Puri Unde! One of my perpetual favorites... I miss my late neighbour who used to make it for me when I was a her soul rest in peace

  11. I totally agree with Sweatha. Who else other than you can write about something as simple as a pori urundai in such an interesting manner?

  12. I have not tried this one,but my memory says I had this during childhood..wonderful..lemme check

  13. Yum Yum, eating this was a favorite passtime. Haven't eaten it in a long long time now.

  14. I too have this in my archive,but only balls on stove top method!
    But baking in oven sounds like a great idea! Should be more crispier as u have mentioned!

  15. Puffola bar lol:) may be a great make over for our old Karthigai poori. I have tasted when i was kid! After that I hated anything come sweet! Lovely urundai and story too

  16. What an interesting post... When I started reading, I was wondering abt the link between the book and our humble pri urundai. (Though hvn't read the book). You have amazing writing skill,Harini. I really enjoyed reading it.

    Pori urundai looks perfect, which doesn't come that easily.

  17. oh Harini, just send some them, they were a villae delicacy tht my aunt brought with her each time she went to her mother's place.

  18. yeh i am also agree with sweatha and madhuram you only can write such a lovely post and very intresting too you know one thing every day i will make a visit to your place for your stories he he he comming to maramarala undalu looks so tempting iam also going to post my recipe let me first drool on your pic.

  19. I love these low fat urundais!! hey, harini i had sent u an entry to the event a few days back...did u get it???

  20. My mom used to make it when i was kid, i love it, we call it murmulala unda

  21. Loved reading the story...gorgeous pics, its one of my all time favourite, i really enjoyed having them often when i was in India, need to try myself here, am just lazy to try..Would love to munch rite now..

  22. Wow my favourite. Looks yummy and delish......

  23. hey i didn't know you had a book club and all!!!! nice post btw... i agree wholeheartedly. the only difference between the two being one is totally morbid and the other so flighty and silly (making grown up giggle like they lost it?yaah). but both are quirky! have you read dahl's minpins? only he can up with 'terrible bloodsuckling toothplucking stonechuckling splitter' and its a children's book if you please hahhaha. wicked!

    nothing like crunching into puffy undas while reading a book :)

  24. Yummy poriurundai! this reminds me of Karthikai Deepam.

  25. we call this lai ka laddoo,, pradesh)

  26. favourite..I used to buy from the Indian stores here..Used to eat all the time.. then I stopped as I was eating too much..Looks yummy aand tempting..

  27. As usual interesting post....u r gr8 in this job of involving readers in ur amusing stories
    And yeah we call it fulanh jha borinda...and we make it with pinch of elachi powder,and these taste lovely and soft to chew on as compare to one made with til(here we get 2 varieties of til ladoos,a soft and a hard,real hard one)
    Awesome captures....looks really tempting !

  28. Wow i love this so much.Used to eat this a lot when i was a kid.My neighbor aunt use to make this for me :)Never tried making it, Will try sometime :)

  29. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is such a great pick. Indeed, who other than Roald Dahl would come up with those names? And I can read a Wodehouse just about any time anywhere and in any mood: it never fails to lift my spirits.
    These vella pori look delicious, Harini. I could eat a dozen in one sitting: maybe more.

  30. We call it Moa. Love it. Great snaps Hairini. :-)

  31. Lovely pictures! Yes, I like them too a lot. But, never thought of making them at home. Infact, I like all klinds of these treat we get during winters with peanuts, and especially those made with popped amaranth. Thanks for the wonderful recipe!

  32. Hi! I've added this to the list of everyone's recipes on my Charlie & Chocolate Factory post. Sorry about forgetting to add it earlier.

  33. My kiddos would devour such sweet delicacies,dipping in chocolate may have made it very sweet,glad you did not:)


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!