Sunday, December 21, 2008

A great day and a goodie crammed post!

A few days back Simran wrote to me asking whether we could meet, I asked Marie and Alka, and it all happened really soon! Yesterday Simran of Bombay Foodie, Alka of Sindhi Rasoi and I met up at the picturesque and peaceful, breezy Carter Road Promenade and had a great time. I was to join Alka in the train and the only identity I had was that she "was in pink" - well! what a confusion - I joined someone else in pink:), but then all is well that ends well! We met as decided, Alka in pink, me in blue and Simran in black and it was a delight as our familiar names searched for the unfamiliar faces behind them, and at the end of the evening, we had become good friends, gifted each other thoughtful items, and discussed everything under the sun including blogs.

I was to attend a party last evening, and when I left home for our 'bloggers meet' I promised the children I would be back early to take them out as this was our first meeting and not likely to last more than an hour - I was wrong! When I saw Alka walking towards me at Sion I wondered about the huge sack she carried, and as we sat at a bench in the park out tumbled the goodies - the yummy kokis which Simran and I hogged though we were not really hungry because there is really nothing on earth to beat a Sindhi Koki! Next came large boxes of her tasty 'nariyal barfis', packed extra for me as she remembered that my son has a sweet tooth:). Simran gave us some delicious homemade checker board cookies which were simply buttery and melt in the mouth. She brought me some nori sheets from her gourmet 'Godrej Nature's Basket' shop:), and I gifted them my vegan brownies and vegan, extremely low fat plain cake (recipe follows).

Here is who we are - match the legs and the hands if you can. I think it is pretty easy but then I might be wrong:).

Simran, Alka and I

These are Simran's delicious and buttery checkerboard cookies - Simran, now I have to tackle that question again - why do you make yours low fat mostly? from both Jr.H, and Jr.P;

Simran's checkerboard cookies

Alka's colourful and tasty Nariyal barfis which my son loved so much - thanks for the extra thought, Alka:)

Alka's Nariyal Barfis

These are the items I shared - Vegan Brownies, with less fat and vegan cakes I adapted from Delicious Days Daily Delicious. I made them the day before the meet using coconut milk, and the cake tasted extremely delicious and turned out soft and crumbly. The texture was heaven. But I felt it was a tad fatty so when I made these again for Alka and Simran, I decided to reduce the oil and omit the coconut milk - the low fat cakes are good for the waistline but they are dry - next time I will think twice before I do such things when I am gifting! Let me see what they think - I am yet to know what She and Alka think about the low fat vegan nut cake:).

Here are the pictures:


Will put up the recipe after perfecting the right amount of fat:)

Marie, we missed you, but then I know you are having a great time with your Mom and preparing all those Christmas goodies, so enjoy! I hope we are able to involve more bloggers next time, but this meeting will always remain special. I just made to the other party at 9, and I met up with some of my friends, returned late and just dropped down like a pile of bricks on my bed - dead tired and happy at the end of a very eventful and a great day:).

Now, you know HC! Why I needed some time to post the gift idea! Happy Cook (Vijaya) had a "Christmas Gifts" event at her place which ended on 20th. I could not post anything within the time limit but I am linking this with her post as I wish I could have done it earlier!


  1. I am so bad at guessing, but this is fun. I will guess, from left Simran, Alka and you :-)) same for the hands also.
    But it must have been so much fun to meet fellow bloggers and share all those goodies. They all look super delicious!

  2. It is fun isn't it when you meet them for the first time guessing who's who....Those are some goodies to envy...

  3. He he u actually posted those pics...i thought u were just kidding !
    Well u wanted to know the verdict of brownies and cakes,so here it is straight from my Son's brownies filled mouth.....This TUMYUM aunty makes yum yum brownies :-)
    Both hubby dear and my kid loved the brownies(he had an eye on them from long u know )and i too loved the flavour of raisins in that and when my hubby came to know that it is made without butter and minimum oil,he gave me that...."so why u use so much of oil in cooking"..look.the cake was lovely,though the stuff got pressed due to heavy crowd in trains,it tasted yummm.

  4. hai hai,I seriously wish I were there.hmm.... Nice to know you had a great time.When you come to blore after feb 09,we will try to meet,...oh,how I wish I were there-nice goodies,I missed these too.
    I am bad at guessing-so not doing that.waitng for coco-milk cake recipe

  5. As the official taster of the cake and brownies, I can guarantee they were absolutely a smashing hit.

    Harini - your warning about them being vegan was unnecessary. I really couldn't figure out on my own, everything's so delicious.

    Glad to know you all liked the cookies.

  6. Very bad guesser that I am, I'm still going to. So I'd say, from the left, Alka, Simran and Harini.:)
    I've done the "inky, pinky, ponky" on the feet and I have no other magic to guess the hands, so I'll leave those alone!
    It must have been fun. I can almost taste all that food.

  7. wow .. that must have been soo much fun, I wish I were there in Mumbai too .. Well, I am bad at guessing .. Hope u guys had a lot of fun

  8. Wow! It is such a good idea to meet fellow blogger..
    Me new to your blog, so getting into the guessing game... btw, everything looks so good! cannot believe it is vegan and low fat

  9. How nice of you guys to be meeting... foodies with goodies, and a day out along. what can get better than that!

    I'll skip the guessing :-)

  10. I'm bad at guessing too, so not going there! It's nice to meet in person right! Recently I found out that one blogger (tbc) lives very close to my place. I was surprised and thrilled. I found it out accidentally. Just before typing this comment and spoke with her over phone. So I can assume how good it would have felt to meet your Alka and Simran in person. We are also planning to meet sometime soon.

  11. Great...I envy u guys! Missed all the goodies. :(

  12. That must have been fun... meeting up with other bloggers! I wish we could do something like that here...

    All the dishes look amazing too.

  13. This is how it goes
    Feet(L to R) - Alka, Simran and me(in floaters).
    Hands - the one with lots of lines, a mole and two kids is mine(the lowest), the one with fewer lines and one kid is Alka's(middle), and one that is soft and no kids and single is Simran's;-)!

    He, he:)

    RC, yes the goodies were superb:)

    Rachel, you bet!

    Alka, I was serious:). I am so glad your son and husband liked them so much despite the low fat thing! I was a little apprehensive!
    Even my goodies got 'compressed' due to the extreme rush!

    Sweatha, I am usually in B'lore in May for at least 10 days. I am planning to meet Lubna too:). When will you be there?

    Simran, thank you:)

    Aparna, the inky pinky ponky thing worked! Maybe you should plan a trip to Mumbai:). I too felt the same - looks like you are the only one from Goa!

    Deepti, Soma, Navita, yes it was fun, and wish I could meet you ppl. too!

    Smitha, thanks! Yes, I will post the recipe for the low fat cakes soon!

    Madhuram, decide soon - if you delay things get delayed inordinately!

  14. Man, sounds like you guys had such a blast! And all those goodies too! Yum.

  15. Lovely to read abt the bloggers meet. Glad you all had a lovely time.

  16. You all would have lots of fun,goodies you all shared also looks so delicious!

  17. it s real fun to meet like minded people ...hope you had a gret atime together..

  18. after reading this post i missed singapore bloggers meet which we used to hve,..looks like u had a blast..nd everythin looks so yum,..;-)

  19. Hi Harini,

    I too missed you, Alka and Simran. I wish I was there.

    We did make a lot of Christmas goodies and enjoyed yourselves.

    Next time definitely... with many more of our Bombay blogger friends.

  20. What Fun! The cakes looks superb can't say they are low fat from the outside :)

  21. Sounds like you guys had a good time :) Nice to meet other bloggers and have some good fun...

  22. Great that you organised for a meet and met. sure, i cant match hands and legs, that's a beautifull guessing game, folded before us.

  23. Thanks H,I will be in Blore from Feb 20 onwards,we will meet up Yay -Threesome Troubling Bangalore..HURRAY

  24. BTW Nice guesses on hand -r u palmist ? he he he.. :)

  25. Sounds like you three had a wonderful time, it must have been great to meet with fellow bloggers!

  26. Wow... Its such a pleasure to meet fellow bloggers..Loved all the goodies...

  27. Sweeeet all the goodies and the blogger buddies get together.I wish i could meet some of my blogger buddies too, I felt happy reading about your exciting meet:)

  28. It sounds that it was lot of fun. Yummy goodies.... Enjoy!

    Happy Holidays!!!!!!

  29. How wonderful, Harini! I have not yet had a chance to meet any fellow bloggers- well, I did meet one Washington area blogger who doesn't write about food, and it was great. The food does look amazing. I do wish I was there. :)

  30. thats too are to guess who is who???...:))...

    anyway good to know you girls enjoyed..the goodies look super delicious...

  31. what fun!!!! ok I think the hand right on top is harini along with the foot in sandal with an angled loop. the grey n pink loafer belong to simran - bombay foodie along with the hand right at the bottom. The hand in the middle and remaining black sandled the foot belongs to alka!======== i just read your post harini!!! i am sooooooooooo wrong!! :-| was fun anyway~!

  32. I loved this post. Lovely goodies by lovely ladies.... I wish I were there because Bandra is home.:-D

  33. Ha ha u ended up picking someone wearing pink in the train. I know it is fun to meet bloggers at first time. We did here and we were 14 bloggers :) Cool u received lots of goodies ...

  34. Didn't know "inky, pinky....." actually worked. :)
    Maybe I should do a trip to Mumbai sometime.

    Best wishes for the festive season and a Happy New Year to you and family, Harini.


Thanks for visiting! If you have any queries contact me at, or leave a comment here. I will get back when I am able to, which is a little rare these days! Keep Smiling, and have a great day ahead/G'Nite and don't let the bedbugs bite!