Sunshinemom was, is, will be? Who knows:)

Just when I thought I was Sunshinemom, my kids grew up. Jr.H turned thirteen last year. Jr.P always seems to be mixed up about his exam time-tables and dates and consequently I am hyperventilating most of the time. Seriously I am "Freaked-out Mom."

Just when I started taking pride in being the one to introduce the latest music to Jr.H, telling her with undisguised pompousness that she knew Green Day, Jason Mraz and Taylor Swift much before her peers only because of me, she made me realize a couple of weeks ago that I was behind. Someone called Train with "Hey, Soul Sisters" had come and reigned the charts and I never knew! Suddenly things seem to be moving at roller coaster speed and I am afraid I am being left behind. I had to reluctantly agree that yes, the song (HSS) was good umm.... promising! I still got to be the first one to tell her that Shakira had borrowed Waka Waka from an African band and not given them due credit. It was small salvation though. Thank God, for itwofs!

I take pride that I have an eye for gadgets and familiarise myself with them very soon but imagine this. P bought an Nokia N75 the other day and I did not even feel the slightest urge to hold it, feel it or steal it as I would have felt a year back. The loss of urge for a gadget shocks even me!!

The other day I told Jr.H I planned to write a love story and she said, "But mama, you are forty!"

And here comes the biggest blow; I have been keeping up with the social networking race pretty well, starting orkut, ditching orkut, being active on facebook, opening an account in twitter and then in Indiblogger and now I find I am flagging there as well. I did not know until the Indiblogger meet yesterday that we had a dashboard in our profiles. I did not know much about their ranks until I got a mail sometime back telling me my rank was falling as I was no longer updating my blog. I am still proud of the 80 they gave me sometime back and thought I was na but thankfully it seems I am low but not out at 67:D. So there is hope?

Well, got to roll up the sleeves first and start again. I am going to start updating this blog, start tweeting, start fbing, start sending messages left, right, centre on indibloggers dashboard as soon as I get over with the kitchen, the sleep, the children, the trauma of going bi-focal (the feeling I realize is the same as how I felt when I was first called aunty by a girl who was about three years my junior!) and well before I actually turn forty! Hope you will be there with me then to boost my morale and help me regain my cool Sunshinemom stature!

Hey, am flagging. Remember? Will be back tomorrow with the mushrooms in green gravy.

Maybe I could still blame everything on the approaching corrective vision problem. You know? The time for bi-focals?

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